A chicken taking a sand shower upside down, and some rooster reflections.
Why the shady title? Well, if you have to sit under the direct sunlight, you will most definitely melt :D
Just a bit off topic, the famous Cape Epic mountain bike race is on the go, and can you believe that now at stage 3 the guys are racing in 42 Celsius (107.6 Fahrenheit) heat. We just heard it on our radio, and it must be really taxing on their efforts.
You can see more of the tough race Here
Back now to this post, I want to show you what a chicken does on a very hot day in the shade, and it is a very clever move. The sand is hot, and it kills the mites, and other bugs in the chickens' feathers. So, it scratches the sand onto its body to rid it from the pests that they pick up from roaming around in the undergrowth.
Here below, you can see the sand on the chicken's body.
Then it turned over and flipped the sand off.
Shaking its body furiously.
Just look at that, it was clean as a whistle.
And now for some reflections.
As usual, the wife put some corn out for the chickens.
Yep! Mr. Rooster was gladly picking up some snacks :)
A very handsome guy don't you think? Especially with that tail.
Just some fun to be had while we sat having coffee in the shade of an old oak tree giant. I wonder who taught the first chickens to flip sand on to their bodies in order to remove pests. It certainly works like a charm, and it is very effective as you have just seen. Just to think that we eat intelligent beings like that. Mankind is the modern dinosaur, as it eats most everything that it sees. Lol.
A happy Friday to all, and we wish everyone to have a great weekend.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.
Photos by Zac Smith. All-Rights-Reserved.
Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.
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I remember my daughter asking me why chickens like pour sand on it body, I told her the chicken is bathing, she gave me a look and said we don't bath with sand so why is the chicken bathing with sand🤣🤣🤣
Great story!!! With humor too 🤣
Thank you and humor is good for the soul. !LOL
sun roasted chicken with earthly marinade ?
More like pest free A la Carte. !LOL
Ohhh tbh I am looking first time these close the chicken. Ummm
Good that you had a closer look, !LOL