An insect as a model

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

The first shot is actually a kind of "opener". It is meant to entice the reader to click through the article.

And it proves that you should keep your eyes open, even in places where you wouldn't expect anything interesting. A red dragonfly on a fence? Who would have thought? But I saw it, and I got it.

První snímek je vlastně takový "otvírák". Má čtenáře navnadit, aby si článek rozkliknul.

A je to důkaz, že člověk má chodit s očima otevřenýma i v místech, kde by jinak nic zajímavého nečekal. Vážka rudá na drátěném plotě? Kdo by si to pomyslel? Ale uviděl jsem ji a mám ji.

The other photos are "just" flies. Why do I photograph ordinary flies? If nothing else, at least for training purposes. A fly is quite suitable for training. There are plenty of them everywhere, and you can use them to practice shooting detail, working with depth of field, and maybe even patience and zen-like calmness when they fly away every time at the crucial moment.

Na dalších fotkách jsou "jenom" mouchy. Proč fotím obyčejné mouchy? Když pro nic jiného, tak aspoň z cvičných důvodů. Moucha je pro trénink docela vhodná. Je jich všude dost a dá se na nich nacvičit focení detailu, práce s hloubkou ostrosti, a třeba i trpělivost a zenový klid, když vám pokaždé v rozhodujícím okamžiku uletí.

In the previous text I mentioned depth of field. You can see it clearly in the following photos - in macro mode, the difference between sharp and blurred is only a few millimeters.

V předchozím textu jsem se zmínil o hloubce ostrosti. Na následujících fotkách je to dobře vidět - v makrorežimu je ten rozdíl mezi ostrým a neostrým jenom pár milimetrů.

Bzzzzzzzzzz - and they're gone. What am I going to shoot next?

Bzzzzzzzz - a jsou pryč. Co budu fotit příště?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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Wow, it seems like the insects are posing for the camera. I love the quality of the photographs considering the tiny size of the models.👍

Thanks for the compliments 😎👍

I like the depth of field, what is your camera?

Camera: Nikon Z50
Lens: Sigma 18-300 Macro

This post was curated by wilfredocav from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our Curation Trail - Delegations are Welcome

Without a doubt, it is a perfect model with its shades in complete harmony.