Oldtimers, probably for the last time this year.

As the crisp autumn air settles in and the leaves begin to fall, the oldtimer season is slowly coming to an end. Vintage car enthusiasts and collectors across the world prepare to bid farewell to their cherished classics, carefully locking them away in workshops and garages for the winter months. Winterizing vintage cars is a time-honored tradition, a labor of love that ensures these timeless vehicles will return to the road in pristine condition come springtime.

Když na podzim padá listí, sezóna oldtimerů pomalu končí. Přes zimu si je jejich majitelé - nadšenci a sběratelé - zavřou do dílen a garáží a budou si je opravovat a hýčkat, a vyjedou zase až na jaře.
Zazimování historických vozů je osvědčenou tradicí, která zajišťuje, že se tato vozidla na jaře vrátí na silnice v neporušeném stavu.
Takový automobilový veterán se vlastně má úplně nejlíp.

The eye is the window to the soul. Does this also apply to cars?

Oko - do duše okno. Platí to i o autech?

Chevy from Texas with the requisite bull horns.

Chevy z Texasu s nezbytnými býčími rohy.

Question for the younger generation: when was the last time you saw a Trabant? I remember a time when it was a pretty common car (with a characteristic sound and smell).

Otázka na mladší generaci: kdy jste naposledy viděli Trabanta? Pamatuju doby, kdy to bylo docela obvyklé auto (s charakteristickým zvukem a smradem).

Skoda cars are an old love. And old love doesn't rust.

Škodovky jsou stará láska. A stará láska nerezaví.

And when you throw a BMW into a pond, it makes circles on the water surface.

A když hodíš BMW do rybníka, na hladině se udělají kruhy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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What a cool photo shoot!

What a beautifull photos

Your post about the oldtimer season coming to an end is very evocative. I can imagine the vintage car enthusiasts and collectors preparing to bid farewell to their cherished classics for the winter months. It's a labor of love, but it's also a bittersweet moment.


Wow, I love old cars. They really look like new!
Beautiful pictures!

Thanks for sharing. I am not deep vintage car enthusiast but I do have a great appreciation for them. On one of my recent trips I stumbled on a vintage car show and now that I read your post you have inspired me to share some of those pictures.