Tattooed oranges? What does that mean? Where does the decadence end?
Just relax. This is not a fad for extreme southern fruit lovers. Only on Rookie Tattoo Day in Olomouc there was a tattoo contest for those who have never done this before and want to try it. For children and adults.
I have no doubt that there would be recessionists willing to donate a piece of their own skin for this cause. But the law forbids it, so for people without a professional certificate, it's either fake leather or - just the oranges.
The disadvantage is that a piece made this way doesn't last long. On the other hand, it has the advantage that you can peel it and eat it.
I have not been able to find out if anyone has had their work immortalized "on their own skin" by a professional.
Tetované pomeranče? Co to má znamenat? Kde se ta dekadence zastaví?
Jen klid. Nejedná se o módní výstřelek extrémních milovníků jižního ovoce. Jen na Rookie Tattoo Day v Olomouci probíhala soutěž v tetování pro ty, co nikdy nic takového nedělali a chtěli by si to zkusit. Pro děti i pro dospělé.
Nepochybuju o tom, že by se našli recesisté, ochotní pro tuhle věc nabídnout kus vlastní kůže. Nicméně legislativa to zakazuje, tak pro lidi bez profesního certifikátu zbývá buď kůže umělá, nebo - jen ty pomeranče.
Nevýhoda je, že takto vytvořené dílo dlouho nevydrží. Ale zase to má tu výhodu, že ho můžete oloupat a sníst.
Jestli si někdo své dílo nechal následně zvěčnit "na vlastní kůži" od profesionála, to se mi zjistit nepodařilo.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box
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An interesting activity! My sister is a tattoo artist, and I’ve always been intrigued by the craft. I wanted to learn how to tattoo, but she’s quite protective of her tools and hasn’t taught me. Once, she let me tattoo an orange, but it was challenging—even though the tattoo machine wasn’t heavy, my hand trembled. Thanks for sharing the photos!
Everyone had to start somehow.
What a great practice, this post would have been very much appreciated in tattoo world from liketu.
In my country there is no law for those who want to tattoo, there should be, I think it's excellent.
@pavelsku 🥰
According to our laws, it is an "activity that breaks the integrity of the human skin" and the tattooist must have a professional certificate.
This is the way it should be, because it is something that stays with you forever and your health and life is at risk if it is done by a person who is not very experienced.