Hello there, I know this is an old post and that my comment is so late (just found out about ya). This is really a great post, the construction of it is really interesting. It is probably just me but I see so many different scenes (or faces) in some of thoses pictures (they are really cool). Emotions do equal exhaustion, after saying a few "yes" too many times, I have learned to say "no" more often. Even if it rather hard when it occurs, the aftermatch feels great and there is no regrets (contrary to some "yes"). Anyway, I wanted to say that I really liked reading your post.
Hey @pegarissimo, thanks for what you've said and also seeing all these things in my photos (that's kind of the intent). I've been taking a break. Wrote this post out of frustration at what I've been watching around me in the world for months. You're quite right, no means no regrets.
I'm happy to come across you and again, thanks, glad you enjoyed reading my post :)