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RE: What's been happening recently in the Shire?

in Photography Lovers β€’ last year

Wow... That photo with the house covered in autumn colors is beautiful!!!


Oh, I can see that you set up a small gym in the garage! πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜‚

Making a beginner's mistake and thinking we were doing the right thing : we took all the wet wood straight into our garage ! Unfortunately, it was only afterwards that we came across a few neighbors who all told us that we should leave the wood to dry outside...

If you can open windows in opposite parts of the garage, wood could dry inside too... That's how they dry ham in Spain, so why not do that with wood too... πŸ˜ƒ

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Yeah, this is the good season when the light hit and heat (just a bit) the house 😊

Oh, I can see that you set up a small gym in the garage!

Indeed πŸ˜‚ !!!

Yeah, I think that for the moment, we'll just let this like that, it already took us to much efforts hehe !

Have a nice weekend πŸ‘