Autumnal colors & little update on our situation

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

It has been really hard for me to watch my Hive time being reduced to the point where I sometimes struggle to even keep my two weekly series alive. It has already been months since some major changes happened in my life but the one that relates to Hive and the time that I can spend here has been really difficult to get used to. It´s still frustrating not to be able to engage here as much as I was used to when I was (trying to be) a fulltime Hiver. But I don´t want this post to turn into some whiney rant. It´s supposed to be an update. And pictures. Beautiful autumnal colorful pictures. Because that´s exactly what you can see out there in nature here in Central Europe these days. So let´s go for a walk first.

It was yet another beautiful sunny day here yesterday. I had some errands to run but I managed to save up some two hours for a little walk too. Soon after the lunch, I wasted no time and headed out to the Prokop Valley, an amazing place that you might already be familiar with from my nature photography challenge as I often take pictures there to open the new rounds of the challenge. The Prokop Valley is a large nature reserve on the outskirts of Prague and the apartment that we are currently staying at is just some 20 minutes walk from the valley so I go there very often.

This year, autumn has been delayed by a couple of weeks and it was not until recently that we finally started to see the trees putting on their colorful autumnal coats. Usually, this spectacular seasonal phenomenon happens in late September but it was still too warm back then this year so it took place a bit later. Now, however, autumn is already in full control and it´s really beautiful out there. Let me show you some of the pictures that I took on my walk yesterday. I actually took more but for some weird reason, my (ancient) phone camera cannot handle certain shades of red and purple that are quite typical for this part of the year. The phone just wouldn´t focus on the leaves with such colors. Weird, I know. Maybe it´s finally time to get a new phone. Will see how much the price of Hive will increase in the current crypto uptrend hehe :) Anyway, here are the pictures...





















I hope you enjoyed the photos. As usually when doing a photo shoot in nature, I experimented with the angles a little bit. I think the low angles and the "canopy angles" didn´t turn out that bad :)

As for the update on our current situation, I originally didn´t want to bother you with our IRL stuff again but since some of you guys asked, I decided to write a few lines here so that you know. The official due date is literally just a few days from now so it can basically happen anytime now. I think we already got all the stuff that is recommended for those expecting their first baby (btw it was not easy at all, if we break it down to individual items, we are talking about hundreds of pieces here, I think I never owned that much stuff myself! :D) so now it´s more just about the anticipation of the big day. We still have some doctor appointments and consultations scheduled for the next few days but it all now depends on when the baby decides to come. We both cannot wait for the moment when she will be here with us, also because the final stage of the pregnancy has been really hard and quite painful for my wife but that´s normal I guess. Once our daughter is here with us, I will let you know guys. Thank you so much for your concerns and best wishes, we really appreciate it :)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Traveling, Photography, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Fitness and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Keď uvidíš svoju dcérku po prvý krát, tak na Hive úplne zabudneš 😁 Ale na druhej strane budeš mať viac času, keďže budeš mať menej spánku 😂 Ale nie, žartujem.. ja vlastne úplne neznášam, keď ľudia majú takého reči..

U nás jeseň prišla tiež len nedávno a odvtedy v podstate stále prší, takže sme zatiaľ nikde neboli. A to sa už pár týždňov chystám na hríby. U vás je to ale farebnejšie ako u nás. My to máme zatiaľ také žlté, takže na tie krásne farby si musíme ešte počkať.

Ak by sme sa už nerozprávali pred pôrodom, tak vám obom prajem (hlavne teda tvojej manželke), aby všetko prebehlo rýchlo a v poriadku a aby boli obe zdravé. Držím palce!

S tím spánkem nás straší všichni, ale když si vezmu, jak jsem na tom se svou insomnií ještě nedávno byl, tak bych řekl, že horší už to ani být nemůže :D No, uvidíme... Třeba mi to paradoxně pomůže tím, jak budu vyčerpaný :)

Snad budeš mít na houbách štěstí. Já jsem se letos dostal s košíkem do lesa snad jen dvakrát, na začátku léta a to ještě nic nerostlo, takže letos nemáme nasušeno ani namraženo nic :(

Moc děkujeme za přání. Snad proběhne všechno hladce a budu se s váma moct aspoň na chvilku sejít, až přijedete v listopadu do Prahy ;)

"We are in autumn, luminous autumn of eternity"...Oh my dear @phortun friend, remember that I (at least most of the time) am a street photographer. So I understand photography from the point of view of message, eloquence and expression... So, when I look at your photos I look at precisely that... And believe me, if I were to write a book of poetry about autumn, I wouldn't want a "technically impeccable" photo for its cover. No, I would want that photo of you with that huge, almost magenta-coloured leaf which cries out


And I would also use your picture captured at ground level, where the warm-toned leaves and fascinating shapes would inspire me to write a poem which would begin by saying something like: "And I breathed the majestic lights of the season of dreamers, sitting on the leaves that say goodbye knowing the joy of a future of miracles reborn in new tender shoots"


Have you seen it my friend?... So, for me, these are photos that speak about poetry... It just happens that your talent is so natural, that perhaps you think they are everyday photos... ;)

Sending hugs and blessings for you an all your near people!...


Wow. This must be one of the kindest and most inspiring feedbacks I have ever got on my posts here on Hive. I thank you so much for that my friend. Made my day :) Btw if you ever decide to write poems, feel free to use any of my photos to illustrate them haha :)

Best wishes, hugs and greetings from Czechia to Venezuela!

Thank you very much for that offer @phortun friend! :))... I don't know if I will ever write a book, but I will keep it in mind! ;) ... Sending great blessings to you and your growing family !... You are a good soul, I know, I have a strange instinct to detect good souls... You will always be fine...


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"Instinct to detect good souls", that sounds like a very useful skill hehe :) Thanks for your kind words again, have a lovely weekend!

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/5)@phortun! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp.

Nice autumnal photos, but what a great happiness that will come... 😁 don't worry, you will have more time for Hive. We really enjoyed your walk full of good vibes.

Thank you, I hope you are right :) Saludos!

Your autumn photos are beyond stunning. Prokov Valley is alive with the sounds of autumn! @phortun

@tipu curate 3

same here its very beautiful

Thanks :)

please can i get a preview from you on m page am an upcoming mobile photographer probably a follow to

Thank you for your kind words and curation Nina, much appreciated! :) Autumnal greetings from Prague!

Oh my dear friend, these photos are enough to make covers for books of poems!... You are an artist!... What colors, wonderful unusual angles and full of eloquence and fantasy!...

!discovery 35

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Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/5)@phortun! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp.

You are being too kind my friend, the photos are not that good and we both know it ;) But thank you. Me and my old buddy (phone :D) just tried to transmit some of those colorful autumnal vibes to the parts of the world where this season doesn´t exist, like your country for example :) Cheers!

So here is the update. I saw your post earlier today but couldn't read it thoroughly and respond to it until now. I also get a bit frustrated when I don't have time for Hive as much as I would like (something like whole day hahaha)...

The autumn foliage is beautiful 😍 but what is more beautiful is that emotion and excitement you guys feel now, and that will come - in any moment 😊

No worries my friend, I´m currently almost a week behind so there are many great posts in my feed (including yours of course) that I´m yet to read and hopefully also comment on. Like I said, still very new and unusual to me after all those years when I could and would spend many hours on Hive every day but it is what it is :) We all need to adapt to the changes that life brings ;)

Oh, so the big day is close 🙈 my best wishes for you and your wife 🤗 everything will be fine 👶🏻✨🥰 much love to all three of you 🥰🧡🤎💛💚 beautiful colors @phortun, those photos transmit a lot of serenity 🍂🍁🧘🏻‍♀️

Well spotted amiga, autumn is a very serene season indeed, it´s when Mother Nature gets ready for the winter sleep ;) Thanks for your wishes! All the best from the three of us to you guys in Venezuela! :)

Thank you my friend 🌻💖🤗

Lovely photos and colours, even with an ancient phone! I can totally relate to the lack of time and missing more engagement, but I'm a pragmatic guy so... it is what it is! :) Setting priorities is a needed skill, and right now yours are where they should be. Hive will always (hopefully) be here! ;) All the best to the coming days, as we say in portuguese: uma hora pequena! (literally translates to "a small hour", meaning that the delivery comes quick and without any stress!) !BEER

Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement my friend! We are hoping for "uma hora pequena" as well :D

Fingers crossed! ;)

The autumnal colors are absolutely stunning. I especially love the low angle shots, they really capture the scale and beauty of the trees.

I'm also excited to hear that your due date is so close! Congratulations to you and your wife. I can only imagine how excited and nervous you both must be. I wish you all the best for a safe and healthy delivery.

Thanks mate! Glad to know that people appreciate me squatting below the trees to capture them from the ground perspective haha :)

Yes, it´s getting closer every day and we cannot wait for the moment when our daughter will be here with us! Thanks for your wishes. Cheers! :)

Nice autumn colors, your photos are always amazing. Is that maple trees I see? We have them in eastern canada but not in the west. Don't feel bad for not being able to keep up on Hive, you have so many exciting things coming. It will all go well and you both sound as prepared as one can be. Good luck and wish all 3 of you the best on your new adventure. xox

Thanks for your lovely comment :) Yes, we have a lot of maples here. I thought they are actually all over Canada as they are one of the symbols of your country. At least when our ice hockey national team gets to play against yours, we often say that we are playing against the "maple leaves" :)

Nope, not all over Canada, only half of it but mostly in Quebec and New-Brunswick. The climate might be too cold for them to thrive here, I'm also more Northern than the East. Different growing zones, there might be a few here and there but I haven't seen them or maple farms/plantations yet since I moved. I grew up on a maple plantation tho when I was a kid!

Interesting. I didn´t know that :) Thanks for the explanation.

Byl to trochu boj, ale teď mohu tvou fotografii s klidem předložit porotě :-)
za použití #aroundtheworld

Díky, že jsi to nakonec nějak vyřešil. Stejně ale nechápu, v čem mohl být problém :)

Ono se to "vyřešilo" samo. Prostě najednou se ten obrázek zobrazil celý. Sranda je , že dnes se mi v tvém článku nenačetli celé dva jiné obrázky. A opravdu to není problém mezi židlí a klávesnicí :-)

Já ti věřím, že se ti to nezobrazuje, jenom nechápu proč :) Můžem se domluvit tak, že ti svou soutěžní fotku vždy pošlu na mail.

Asi to bude nejméně "stresující" řešení :-). [email protected]

Ok :) Zkušební mail poslán.

Zdá se, že jsi "otrocky" přepsal adresu. Jsem=bucipuci!!!

You are definitely an undderrated photographer my friend. I love these fall photos. Nature is changing its shell. First it's all yellow and soon it'll be all white.

Thank you my friend but I wouldn´t say that I´m an underrated photographer ;) In fact, I´m not a photographer at all, I never even owned a real camera, been always shooting just with my phones and the one I´m currently using is almost six years old now :D But I have been trying to learn from some real photographers that we have here on Hive :) There is so much to learn here!

Yeah you are right man, we have a lot to learn from people on Hive but I think you are doing perfect! I'm using iPhone 11 and trying to take photos like you haha

Really? :D My ancient Xiaomi is happy to hear that :D

Your Xiaomi is doing great! Maybe I don't have perfect views like you that might be the reason but I'll join your weekly photo contest soon. I took some nice photos :)

Awesome! Looking forward to seeing you there :) Maybe you better wait a bit for the next round that I will roll out tomorrow as I´m just about to evaluate the last one ;)

I was thinking about it right now. Should I join now or wait for tomorrow? Tomorrow is a better choice I think :D

This is amazing Phortun! Kind of envy you for that walk :)

Thank you Erika! Why envy? Autumn hasn´t found its way to your region yet? :)

Autumn is here but I've been tied up, dealing with a lot and haven't had time to focus on Autumn yet. It might be too late, who knows.

I see. But I think you still have time, this colorful stage of autumn might last for another week or two, it pretty much just started here and our countries not so far from each other ;)

Dude, I'm so stoked for you guys! I'm sure there are just so many emotions yall are going through, and the preparation and joy is beyond my comprehension. It is the most magnificent thing in the world. I'm wishing you guys the very best and so excited for your daughter who is coming soon. Lots of love!

Aww, thank you mate! It has been a massive load of emotions indeed. But yeah, very busy times for us. I don´t know if you know but soon after the birth, we will be moving from Prague back to my hometown so there will be another whole lot of things to take care of soon. So much different from the simple, easy and minimalist nomadic lifestyle that we were enjoying for long years until recently...

We don't have an autumn season in our country, but thanks to your post sir I got to see the beauty of it.☺️

I could feel your excitement sir for the arrival of your baby girl. Congratulations in advance!🤗 I pray for the safe delivery of your wife. 🙏

Thank you! Well, we lived in tropical and subtropical regions too so we know how special autumn feels to people who don´t know this season :) It was a pleasure to show you how colorful it gets here :) Greetings to the Philippines!

Awesome photos! This year, I have feeling like there is no autumn. I was comfortable swimming in the sea last Sunday.

About IRL, I am having my fingers crossed and I am happy for you guys!

Hey mate! Yeah, it felt like summer here until very recently too! September was extremely warm and sunny here and so was the first half of October. Crazy weather. I hope autumn will eventually find its way to your region too, it´s a nice season (as long as it´s colorful and not so cold and depressive yet :D)

Jen ze zvědavosti, řešili jste nějak výběr porodnice, nebo jste se prostě spokojili s tím, kam spadáte podle aktuálního bydliště? Já to zatím řešit nemusel, ale někteří v mém okolí už ano. A rozdíly jsou prý propastné. (čímž nechci nijak děsit, furt je to naše zdravotnictví ještě spolehlivé)

Řešili. Dost. Rozdíly tam opravdu jsou :) Úplně se mi to tady teď nechce takhle veřejně rozebírat, ale pokud tě to zajímá, můžem se pobavit na Discordu ;)

Wow! Vibrant colours that autumn brings. 🍂 thanks to the ancient camera you have :) Something people from tropical countries won't experience.

I know and this is also why I wanted to share a post like this with you guys :) We also lived in the evergreen tropics where there is just two seasons: hot and hotter :D I´m glad that you enjoyed the pictures.

Krasne! 🍁🍂☀️

Jo, tuhle část podzimu mám rád... Pak už to bude trochu horší :D :/

To uz bude BTC 🚀 a budem na lepsi strane oceanu!!

Aha, tak to máš asi někde schované Bitcoiny, o kterých nevím :D

HIVE needs spare time mate. It is normal that those who are busy in their real life don't have it everyday. Nowadays, I also spend less time on HIVE.

Your autumn photos are really great. We have had summer-like days since the weekend and it will last some more days ;)

I know, you are right, but I was doing Hive fulltime for years so it was a big change for me not to have that time for Hive anymore. Still cannot get used to it. But who knows, what we are seeing in the crypto market these days might be a beginning of the long awaited, massive bull run so maybe the price of Hive will soon be high enough for many of us to do it fulltime again :)

How can I appreciate the beauty of nature? I have no words to describe how much lovely these colors are.
Spring has its own color and charm, autumn has its own beauty.

Well said, each season has its own charm and here at this latitude, we are privileged to have all four of them. Autumn is surely the most colorful one :) Thanks for stopping by!

So exciting these last days…
Crossing my fingers all goes well. Looking forward to hearing she is there 😉
Take care, rest as much as you can now. Some sleepless nights are ahead of you guys.

Thank you my friend! Well, not much sleep for us lately anyway but I can imagine it will get even worse in the first weeks after the birth :) We will manage somehow tough, I´m sure. Thanks for swinging by, have a nice day!

You are welcome 😊
I am sure you guys will manage… enjoy every moment. It is so precious 🤗

Anytime. Enjoy your evening and have a great midweek!
Thanks a lot.

No doubt! Nature is wonderful but the way of presentation is a tremendous art which have you a lot. I really lived your photography, angels and all the factors, keep it up.

Thanks for your kind feedback, I´m really happy about the response to this post so far, seems like autumn is a really special season for many people :) Cheers!

Wow, just the other day I had made a plan to go to a neighboring village to take some photos, it really is autumn here in Romania.
By the way, the images are stunning and the message conveyed is very clear.
I send you my best thoughts from here in Romania.

Thank you my friend! I hope you will get to take some nice autumnal photos as well :) Enjoy this colorful season of the year!

Autumn is a mysterious season (in my opinion) with a myriad of colours, I certainly adore it.

Beautiful color palette! Best wishes to all three of you! :)

Thank you amiga! :) Saludos!

Congratulations👏, a baby on board is always a joy for a family. The pictures were spectacular, by the way.♥️

Thank you very much for stopping by and leaving your comment here! :)

Thank you for sharing these beautiful and stunning autumn photos.

Regarding the upcoming arrival of your daughter, it's heartwarming to know about your anticipation and preparations. We'll be eagerly waiting to hear about the blessed arrival of your daughter. All the best to you, your wife, and the little one.

Thank you for your kind comment and nice wishes, we appreciate it! :)

Absolutely stunning photos! My phone also does that with shades of red, I have no idea why, but I sympathize with how annoying it can be. You did get great ones though.

Best of luck with the coming of the little one, I know the last section of anticipation is scary and exciting, but you got this! Looking forward to the next update.

Oh really? Good to know I´m not the only one with this weird issue haha :D One of the things that my phone camera never can focus on for example are the ripe red rosehips. Impossible. And it´s not because of the size, it can focus on smaller things than that. It´s the color... Weird! :D

Thank you! I will write another update once she is here with us :)

I like seeing objects like this, I have taken photos of leaves in the past, but where I live there are no leaves like that.

Yeah, I play with the low angle quite often, it´s an interesting perspective :) Thanks for your visit!

you're welcome, that is a very good idea.

This scenic spot is really more beautiful than what we can see in the pictures, one feels very relaxed by visiting such places.

Glad to know that you feel relaxed after checking out my post :) Have a nice day!

Have a great day.

Looking forward to the safe delivery of your angel. May she be as beautiful and warm as autumn. ✨

Aww, thank you, that was sweet :)

Dear these views are really much interesting and appreciate able . Clicks also showing your effort towards Nature. But in my side here is not any this type of view. So I think you are too much lucky. Again much appreciated.@phortun

Thanks for you feedback, it´s a pleasure to share our autumn with people who don´t have this season in their countries :)

Some of the photos you take look very beautiful and amazing
Thank you very much for sharing with us

Thanks for checking them ou!

This autumn photos are really beautiful to really admire. The work of nature radiating in those pictures

Thanks for checking them out :)

The autumn was delayed in Romania too and the thing that the weather acts quite crazy too, it doesn't help much. But I'm happy to read the good news about your IRL condition and that your family will grow up from one more to another. I'm really happy for you and can't wait for the big announcement when the moment will happen :)

Also, I was wondering how can we get in touch to ask for a little information about a place I visited in Prague last month? There are some things that seem a bit unclear for me and would be very handy to get some clarification to my question. It's going to be quick, I promise :)

My discord name is #GabrielaTravels in case you are using this app :D

What? You already visited Prague and you didn´t tell me? That´s too bad, I was looking forward to meeting you :( But sure, you can ask me anything about the city. I don´t use Discord much, I just contacted you on FB ;)

Oh my! Why am I just seeing this beautiful photos. This colours are adorable. Nature is really amazing to view and the way you captured them makes them more adorable.

Why are you seeing them? Because you decided to visit my blog and I really appreciate it :) Thanks for your kind feedback!

Wow such a amazing clicks @phortun good job. 👍

Thanks, glad that you liked them :)

You're a good photographer

Thank you.

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BEERHey @phortun, here is a little bit of from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

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