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RE: Magical Madeira: tour around Mercado dos Lavradores

Glad to know that there is some actual science behind this theory! :) After spending a couple of winters in the evergreen tropics and subtropics, I have a really hard time coping with winter back here in Central Europe that I come from. Here, the winter blues is as real as it gets.


I bet, the more north you get the worse it gets. If you have been used to equator time then I see why you would prefer it without knowing fully why just on avoiding the mood disruptions and lethargy from unstable sunlight hours. I would probably prefer something like that too if they had the rockies.

Not where I live but further north, it's like forever days and forever nights in 6 months cycle. In the North-West Territories, in the summer, the sun goes down for like 1 hour if any. In the winter, that's how long the day is...can you imagine!!

I know. It´s crazy. We have something similar here in Europe in Northern Norway and other nearby areas. A half of the year is day and the other half is night. Total madness. I don´t know how anyone can live in such places...