Walking on sunshine

Recently, I have realized that I barely leave our apartment other than to do the grocery shopping or attend my scheduled appointments. I've been struggling with complicated tasks which leave me with little or no time during the day and I'm so tired in the evening that I collapse on the sofa and watch TV instead. I'm not proud of that, but that the situation that I'm currently in.

Today, I've been trying to finish something, but it didn't go as fast as it should and I've noticed that I've started to feel irritated. I'm learning to acknowledge and work with my emotions, so I've stepped out of the room to get some fresh air and count to 10 on our balcony. The weather was amazing and I was feeling sudden urge to go for a walk, so I did 😊

I used to go for a walk every day, and this is one of the habits that I want to add to my routine again. I went for a longer walk of about 6 km and it made me feel so good. As soon as I reached top of the hill I stopped and admired the views. You know how they say to stop and smell the flowers? I had a similar experience.

This weather is unusual for February, and it looks like that we will start going to the garden soon again. I miss it so much! I'm going to start my tomato and pepper seeds this weekend already. It's going to be fun!


I love living in our city as there is so much greenery. We are surrounded by forests and when it's a clear day we can even see the Alps! It wasn't the case today as they were hidden behind the clouds.

Below is one of my favourite farms that we support on a regular basis. They employ people who can't find work otherwise because they have some physical or mental health issues. It's a great project and I got to talk to the employees who are grateful for this chance.


Many people told me (without me asking of course) that they can't understand how I can live in this place because it's too small and boring, but what I see is a community feeling, peaceful life and beautiful nature. It's our home.


It's an exception to come across the peacocks that they grow here. I was lucky today as I saw 3 of them! Often, they are hidden in their shed.


Their leaks look much better than mine after the mice attack 😊 There is a small shop which is open every day and you can get there the produce from the farm. It used to be a self service based on trust where you simply put the money in a box. However, people misused it, so now there is a camera to make sure that everyone actually pays for what they take.


Can you see the narrow stretch of sand next to the river bank? This is where we have our beach in summer. I've been there a few times, but I have never went for a swim as it's quite close to the Rhine Falls and I'm not a strong swimmer, so I'm afraid that the current would take me. It's really strong there.


One of a few disadvantages of living here is that there are many hills, so you always walk either up or down. We bought our bikes almost 10 years ago and only used them a couple of times as it's always fun to go somewhere, but not so much fun to return because we live on top of one of those hills.


Our city is surrounded by Germany and there is only one main road leading us to a highway in Switzerland. It's the tunnel that starts after the bridge on the left.


Take a seat and enjoy!


It really looks like spring has started already as I've seen a variety of crocuses, snowdrops, tons of primroses, and some flowers that I couldn't identify.

We haven't seen our garden in spring last year, so this year I will see if we have some crocuses too. They are my favourite spring flowers.


They bring a smile on your lips...






Somebody was hungry an munched on this primrose...


No idea what it is, but I will come back in a couple of days as I'm curious to see if those flowers will turn red or not.


Another signs of spring....


Pussy willows remind me of Easter. My mom would always collect a few branches and add them to her spring bouquet during the holiday season...



It took me about 1 hour to come back home. I feel more energized and ready to finish what I have started with a bit more patience.

See you next time...


Krása :) Tady bylo dneska taky jak na jaře, odpoledne mi mobil ukazoval 13 stupňů, neskutečné... A s tím pobytem venku na čerstvém vzduchu to mám úplně stejně ;) Potřebuju to každý den, aspoň na hodinku... Dodnes nechápu, jak jsem přežil ten šílený tříměsíční hausarest na Azorech během první vlny covidu... Na Azorech, kam se jezdí hlavně za úžasnou přírodou a my tam nemohli 3 měsíce opustit byt...

Ty krokusy jsi nafotila moc hezky. Fotky jsou to čerstvé, nechceš mi jednu hodit do soutěže? Švýcarsko jsem tam asi ještě nikdy neměl :)

@tipu curate 7

Aj dnes je tu krásne, tak dúfam, že sa dostanem von aspoň na chvíľu. Večer ma to už tak nebaví, lebo je tma 😊

My máme šťastie, že máme tú veľkú terasu, keďže sme aspoň takto mohli byť vonku. Dokonca sme tam jedli väčšinu naších obedov, čo bolo super..

Ďakujem 😊 Dobre teda, idem sa na to pozrieť 😉

Počkej, to máte jako terasu a ještě i balkon, nebo jsem to spletl dohromady? :D Já myslel, že ty bylinky máš na balkoně... No ať už tak nebo tak, je to vždycky super mít takhle možnost si z bytu vylézt někam na vzduch ;) V jednom z našich mexických bytů jsme měli terasu větší než byt a byli jsme tam furt, já tam někdy i spával :D

Moc díky za soutěžní příspěvek, je parádní ;)

Máme terasu a balkón 😊 spávať som tam ešte neskúšala, keďže máme na streche burinu a tým pádom milióny pavúkov, ktoré nás atakujú každý rok. Neviem si predstaviť tam spať 😧

Ďakujem za podporu 😉

Terasa i balkon, tak to je paráda ;) Hmm, pavoučky by pomohla vyřešit závěsná moskytiéra. Dá se na to zvyknout, v Kostarice jsme tak spali často. Běhali nám po ní i gekoni, byla sranda je zevnitř pozorovat. Do chvíle, než se jeden nějak dostal dovnitř a začal běhat po nás :D

Peacocks in the yard are cool!

Aww that is a nice walk around your place!

We live in a beautiful place 😊

Those pictures look amazing! I like the greenery and the peaceful surrounding of your hometown

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Me encantaron mucho todas las fotografías ❤️‍🔥

I often take walks in nature and hardly remember to take a break and just admire the surroundings. It might by the daily routines we have or the thing that we were built with a proper destination to chase, but nature is so beautiful that it deserves more breaks to admire it closely.

This should be a reminder for you to do it 😊 It's a great feeling when you simply stop and just look around. It's important to slow down from time to time (not that I do it often enough though)

Thank you for stopping by!

Absolutely! Tomorrow I'm going to the woods and will definitely remember this thanks to you 🙏🏻😊

Beautiful photographs taken. Greetings.

Oooh wonderful, I can't express my likeness of those pictures. Flowers nature, oh oh oh how I love them.👍

You can feel a lot of calm in these photographs, nature has the ability to calm us down. Nice postcards, my favorites are the flowers.

I love the scenery. Looks like you really needed the adventure.