Rainbows and joy in the midst of despair.

Hola amigos de hive y de esta linda comunidad de fotografías, estas fotos las tomé un mes después de que nos desalojarán de el lugar donde vivíamos antes del encierro de la pandemia del COVID 19.

Hello friends of hive and this nice photo community, I took these photos a month after we were evicted from the place where we lived before the COVID 19 pandemic lockdown.




Dónde nos ayudaron y estuvimos hay durante toda la pandemia, y si este arcoíris lleno de colores y alegría salió en medio de tanto concreto, porque no sonreír en medio de tantas preocupaciones.

Where we were helped and were there throughout the pandemic, and if this rainbow full of colors and joy came out in the midst of so much concrete, why not smile in the midst of so many worries.





Cuando menos lo pensaba, en medio de tanto desespero y desempleado, encuentro trabajo y con contrato incluído, Dios es grande, lastima que los fanáticos religiosos tengan tan malas aptitudes

When I least expected it, in the midst of so much despair and unemployment, I find a job and with a contract included, God is great, it is a pity that religious fanatics have such bad aptitudes.


Some things go well, some should never have happened and some can be improved and turn into beautiful things. Re-shared. 🔮🧿🧩

Que bonito mensaje, Gracias

What a nice message, Thank you