Greetings! This week I've been struggling for two days upgrading my computer, was moving some of the archives to another hard drive, renaming and rearranging folders, all this stuff -- and of course, that pushed me to check some old photos. And since I haven't been out lately and don't have any fresh photos, so... today I'm pleased to present some old photos from 2019. By the time I rarely used .raw file format, and everything you see below is done without fancy raw conversions (but certainly with photoshop and with a pinch of x-processing here and there).
я два дня мучился с апгрейдом компа, переместил часть архивов на другой винчестер, все это способствует тому чтобы посвятить много времени сортировке файлов. Притом что я в последнее время не гуляю и у меня нет свежих фото, поэтому сегодня я с удовольствием презентую выборку из моих старых фото 2019 года. Тогда я редко использовал рав, и все что вы видите ниже, сделано без фэнси рав-конверсий (но конечно с фотошопом и местами, с щепоткой х-процессинга).
Street dancing under the sounds of ukulele.
Old and new... Fun fact: did you know that back in the early 20th century there was a profession of horse manure collection, which has now completely died out due to irrelevance? There's really nothing funny about that, that's life... The streets were littered with all kinds of horse droppings for pedestrians to get into, and that's one reason why rubber galoshes (which can easily be washed clean) were so widespread as footwear.
And another fact: it was very common to see nails falling out of horses' shoes on the streets. These artefacts were one of the factors which complicated cycling fun's mainstreaming to the crowds (though not the only one factor). By the way, dung piles can still be found on the streets today, but rarely and only in certain places.
Старое и новое ... Смешной факт: а вы знаете, что еще в начале XX века существовала ныне совершенно отмершая за ненужностью, профессия уличного сборщика лошадиного навоза? На самом деле тут нет ничего смешного, се ля ва... улицы были украшены большим количеством лошадиных неожиданностей, в которые мог вляпаться пешеход, и кстати это было одной из причин почему были весьма распространены резиновые галоши (к-е легко позволяли себя отмыть от навоза).
И другой факт: на улицах часто валялись выпадавшие из подков гвозди, что было существенным (хотя и не единственным) фактором, осложнявшим велосипедизацию народных масс. Кстати, и сегодня на улицах можно встретить навозные кучки, но редко и только в определенных местах.
Car ad
Located in the historic centre of the city, Griffon's bridge is featured in all travel guides, of course it's a favourite spot for taking spectacular selfies. (And a good place to take pictures of the photographers themselves ))))
Расположенный в историческом центре города, "мост с грифонами" обозначен во всех путеводителях, и разумеется это излюбленное место для делания эффектных селфи (и удобное место чтобы фотать самих фотографов ))))
Bizarre masquerade? nope! just folks doing their sweaty advertizing job.
Theres a lot of things I like about this photo. We see a "palimpsest" here - city officials are painting over the graffiti but nasty personas are once again decorating the walls with their scribbles, i.e. it is not just a dinosaur, but a round of an endless struggle is captured here! The second thing I like here is the unusual colour contrast, no one was trying to achieve colour harmony or opposing/complementary colours from the colour wheel palette, hehe. And thirdly: it's the dinosaur depicted here! It's not often you get to see a dinosaur walking the streets of the city. All joking aside, most importantly: the picture gives the (obscene) impression that I photographed the author himself, who has finished his artwork and is walking away, behind the frame, clutching a spray can in his hand... not really - he's holding a cup of coffee, just a random passerby. But still: the photo is made in a way that gives the viewer that impression, and I like it enormously!
"палимпсест" здесь - городские власти закрашивают граффити, а нэсти персонс снова украшают стены своими каракулями. Вечная борьба! Второе что мне здесь нравится: необычный цветовой контраст, никто не стремился достичь цветовой гармонии или противоположных/дополняющих цветов из палитры цветового круга, хехе. Ну и в-третьих: это же динозавр изображен здесь! не так часто можно встретить динозавра на прогулке по улицам города. Но шутки в сторону, самое главное: картинка создает (обманчивое) впечатление, что я сфоткал автора, который докончил артворк и уходит в сторону, за кадр, сжимая баллончик с краской... на самом деле это не так: в руках у него стаканчик с кофе, это просто случайный прохожий. Тем не менее, фото само собой рождает у зрителя подобную иллюзию, и это мне чрезвычайно нравится!
Graffiti at abandoned area in the center of the city! Each year such gems are harder to find ;)
Nightly night - time for photography! Amazing color contrasts and lights and shadows everywhere!
Let me part with you at this bokehlicious one. Hope you enjoyed the visuals, see you next time!
location: | St.Petersburg, Russia | 2019 | natural lighting |
camera/lens: | Canon 5D | 16-35mm, 50mm | ex-jpg |
Just showed them to my husband. Fascinating pictures. Not like the St. Petersburg I imagine from reading Russian novels (snow and palaces😃), but so much of it like street scenes I might see in New York. Especially the elderly lady in the sixth picture. She could be on any street in Queens, or Brooklyn. The universal elderly lady with her handbag slung in front for security (purse snatchers!). Bent over and a little taxed by carrying the small parcel behind her back.
Thanks for these. They sent me to Wikimedia Commons to look at snapshots of my husband's old neighborhood in Woodside,Queens.
Some everyday life stuff is very same all over the world, right?
Btw, right now it is very snowy, and the palaces are still there. I just dont get out for photo-walks ;))))) Happy you liked the visuals, really.
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St Petersburg a great city of the almost infinitely large Russia
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thanks a lot for !PIZZA, I adore it 🍕🍕🍕
the city is a cool place to visit, warmly welcome! especially during May-June, which is the peak of tourist season. And I promise to share more great stuff in terms of street photo / architecture / places of intrest,
Very excellent place and has people, thanks for sharing this wonderful article. wonderful photography too!
Best wishes for a joyous Christmas filled with love, happiness and prosperity! 🙏
My pleasure! yes, the place can be an endless source of great visuals, be it architecture or life of the streets. I am happy to live here. Perhaps I should share more stuff of this kind (but, you know, I am rather look into the other directions, and the recent photos you take always are the best ones you want to share, haha). Have a hot Hive !PIZZA, and lets hope the year of 2023 will not become a total mess... 🙏
галоши - это такая вещь понимаешь! чтоб ботинки в сырую, мокрую погоду не испачкать.
Не переобувались же раньше, а ходили в ботинках. И валенки с галошами - классика!
Ну да, ну да. На асфальтовом тротуаре его не испачкаешь ничем, кроме вот этого самого. 😜 короче, быт был устоявшийся, и многие черты (ушедшей эпохи) нам просто так не понять. Я и про велосипеды много мог бы рассказать, там в истории интересные штуки зарыты. Но кому это надо? кто ето оценит:? уж точно не обэхээсэс-кураторы 🍻 по пивку? !BEER
а мне интересно!
ты пиши!!! и фотки классные покзывай.
You captured really well the ecency of that city haha
Grazie Mille! I hope so 🙏 but I showed its bright side mostly, haha
lets see if I have some hive !BEER for you... left unused :P
I like cities where the lights are bright and the streets are full of people.
Thanks, nice to be in the know. With the city of St.Petersburg it is the case just part of the year, from May till August. Cheers! 😘
Интересное фото получилось со старым ободранным домом, но зато весь в графити! 😂
Все фото классные!
Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
Did you know you have your own profile map?
And every post has their own map too!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Love the photos! I do feel for those poor dudes in those costumes, though. Sweaty.
Me too, thats a damn job and stupid, sweaty duty to do. ehehe. 😪 I just may add that I see it on the streets less and less often, so -- maybe it becomes less popular among the employers too...
thanks for the compliments, and a !BEER your way -- its a Beer Saturday, after all! 🍻
Always a lot of work upgrading a computer and transferring all.
Good you did find some photos you didn’t publish yet.
Very interesting selection. Especially the Dino 🦕 one.
Thanks for sharing @qwerrie 👋🏻😊 have a wonderful weekend my friend 😎🌺
ha! its not that the question, I am in the know where it is kept. I have a lot of 'cold storage' unpublished. The question is: where one can find time to edit all these and make them beautiful. I dont share the stuff 'as the camera saw ' :P
extra thanx for choosing and naming your favourite, I always appreciate that a lot. a hot hive !PIZZA back, have a nice weekend too!
Hahaha I so understand…
I have also so many photographs, but it is indeed the time… we need for editing. If only we had some more hours in a day.
Thank you kindly… nom nom !PIZZA 🍕🍕🍕🍕 You are welcome @qwerrie 👋🏻😊 always happy to read your posts, enjoy your weekend.
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Thank you!Dear @qwerrie,
Beautiful! One of the cities I want to visit soon!
Oh.. than do it very soon. Perhaps this spring (May or June is ideally)... with all this political shit on the propeller, nobody know what will be next. War is going on, the further we go, the worse will be the conditions. Hmm. Dont count that as a spooky tales, but Putin really crazy enaf and wants to drop a few nukes at Kiev. Consequences will follow, imagine that.
I am not much worried about that, but right now it is not that easy to get from AT to RU.
But it would be great to manage next spring/summer/autumn.
I keep on having good dreams about visiting St. Petersburg ;)
Ah, Lets be silly optimists! 😜 🤩 🤩 Would be extremely cool to get togethre around the city... (not mentioning -- to touch your Big Camera). I believe it is pretty easy to get into SPb from Finland... but before that you should get to Finland from AT 😉
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Grazie Mille - I live in a cool looking historical city... just a bad weather thru 3/4 of the year 😜