One nice day spent at the zoo 🦍🦏

in Photography Lovers4 months ago (edited)

One sunny Saturday, my brother's family and I took advantage of the nice warm weather and decided to take some small travel and visit the zoo in Stara Zagora. The distance between our city and Stara Zagora is about 80-90 km and depending on speed, this distance usually takes 1-2 hours by car.

I remember that this day was very hot and a large part of the animals in the zoo were hiding from the sun, so it was not very easy to take photos. Also, the light was very very strong and this resulted in ugly harsh shadows. Whatever... I tried to take photos when I saw an opportunity for that.

You can see in the next photos how strong was the light resulting in the harsh shadows. In general, I am avoiding to take photos under such kind of conditions, but now I want to use this opportunity.


In the next photo, you can see one beautiful common peacock. I found the following information for it.

Common peacock

The species is widely spread in Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka at an altitude of up to 2000 m. Its habitat covers the areas south and east of the Indus River, in Jammu and Kashmir, eastern Assam, southern Mizoram, and the entire Indian peninsula. It inhabits both, jungles and forest areas as well as cultivated lands near the settlements.
More information you can find here




You can see how beautiful bird is


The next animal we visited was the brown bear. They were in a very playing mood and it seemed to me that they were having fun together. On close there was something like a small pool and because of the warm weather, they come in very often. It was interesting to watch this behavior.

Brown bear (Ursus arctos)

The brown bear lives in forest areas. Although it looks clumsy, it can run short distances at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour. It eats roots, acorns, and young grasses. It also likes wild strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, wild apples, plums, pears, watermelons and ants. More information you can read here




Scottish pony

The pony is a small horse breed. Ponies are descended from primitive horses that inhabited Northern Europe, France, and the British Isles. There are more than 100 different pony breeds spread all over the world. One of the most famous is the Scottish pony - with a height of 95-104 cm.

According to the experts, one of the oldest horse breeds in Britain is the Scottish pony. Named after the islands from which it originates, it is now one of the most famous pony breeds in the world.

More details you can read from here




Goat (Capra Domesticus)

The domestic goat is a cloven-footed mammal of the Goats genus. Its direct ancestor is thought to be the wild Bezoar ibex (Capra aegagrus), still found today in the mountains of Asia Minor, while the wild goats of Crete and the neighboring Mediterranean islands have recently been identified as secondarily feral domesticated goats rather than the typical Bezoar ibex with wild local origin, as was believed until recently.
More details you can read here





Nutria (Swamp beaver) (Muosastor sourus)

Its homeland is South America. In our country, it is found mainly along the rivers of South-Eastern Bulgaria. It lives in pairs in marshy areas and around small fresh and saltwater basins, overgrown with swamp vegetation.

The nutria is one of the largest rodents, with a short and thick body, a long head with a blunt snout, short ears, and long whiskers. It is an excellent swimmer. Its forelimbs are shorter, with five long digits adapted for grasping. The three middle digits of the five ones on quite longer hind limbs are joined by a floating web. The length of the body reaches up to 55 cm and the tail - up to 20 - 35 cm. It weighs up to 10 kg

More details you can read from here








As time passed, the weather got even hotter, so I didn't take photos of more animals but I hope someday to come back again and to see more animals. Still, it was a very nice day at a very interesting place full of different kinds of animals. I think deserve person to visit this place when it is possible.


Sources: I used some information about the animals from here. You can see from that link when the place is open, what kind of animals are available, and other useful information if you are interested.

All photos and videos are created personally by me with my smartphone.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and sharing a few moments with me. I look forward to seeing you here again soon!

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Thanks for stopping by – more to come!

Captured with iPhone 14 Pro
