Ohhhh I'm super proud of her over here😍.
It's not easy starting and completing a program.
The joy is just so sweet
Congratulations to her
And by the way did she get engaged??
Ohhhh I'm super proud of her over here😍.
It's not easy starting and completing a program.
The joy is just so sweet
Congratulations to her
And by the way did she get engaged??
Hi Redna, yes she was very happy as we are friends she was telling me I still don't think I will make it, I really still don't believe that I will make it, and no the ring is a tradition that I think is only here in Latin America where you wear a ring according to the profession you have, that's why she shows the ring.
Ohhh I see.the ring is so fantastic.
Didn't know there was a traditional profession ring.
Honestly it's so beautiful
.And Even if you don't go, which I know you would have loved to, I believe she knows you also wish her well.
I know she does appreciate that too 😊
Yes, it is really something very nice and symbolic, it is like a self-recognition for the achievement and if he really deserves it, he is a very noble person and good people.
Your right..