To the memories


"Your added value is that you can tell stories."

Hmmm. Maybe. But no, it's not about stories with me. It's about emotions. It's about feelings. I don't want to hide. I don't want to regret. I have to say the things that come to me. I have often preferred silence so as not to disturb.

It's written on my forehead when I'm okay. And when it's not. And it's not easy.
And you have always accepted that. It is always simple. It's always been simple: if I had something to say, I said it. No need to look for noon to 2 pm.

When one day you won't be in my world anymore, how will I do...

So I hang on. To you. To the memories. To the pictures I make and will make again. To us. To what we say to each other.
It seems that I know how to tell the stories of others.

And one thing is obvious, my emotions, my feelings, this simplicity, my story... How will it be when you are not part of it anymore?