The Eiffel Tower, 2022

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

Whatsup Hivers!
Wow, Paris, HiveFest, @Lackofcolor going to the clinic, starting two courses at the University, and playing a bit of Valheim surely drained my batteries. I'm still pretty tired of all the things that have been going on and decided to take my time rebooting. Even though it took a bit longer than anticipated, I wanted to continue my travel stories of Paris, when I was photographing @hiddenblade's artwork at Carrousel du Louvre.


You can't simply visit Paris for the first time, and not see the Eiffel Tower. While I've been to Paris before, and truly enjoyed the whole city and the experience. Being in an Airbnb right in the middle of the city was quite a different one. On the second day, I wanted to take @lackofcolor to the Eiffel Tower.

© Ruben Cress!

© Ruben Cress

© Ruben Cress

© Ruben Cress

Because they have changed the area around the Eiffel Tower a few years ago, I thought it would be pointless to visit the landmark on its four legs. We hadn't enough time to enter it, but we had plenty of time to look at it from a distance. I knew just the spot! The plaza with a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower. After visiting [[Arc de Triomphe]], we took the subway and finally went to the Eiffel Tower. The subway was nice, the trip took us just a few minutes.

We still had to walk quite a bit to the huge landmark, but we could already see it. This view was stunning and it was very nice to take a photograph of the landmark. The last time I was in Paris, it was rainy and very grey. This time, we were super lucky, even though the weather forecast was rainy, we were spoiled with many clouds and a burning Sun.

When we finally got to 'the spot', we noticed that there was some food festival going on right in front of it. I was a little bit bummed out about that, as it would most probably affect the photograph that I had in my mind. But bad luck didn't just end there, once we got closer to the plaza, it turned out that they were doing some construction! Guess what, the view was completely blocked, except for a small opening.

© Ruben Cress

© Ruben Cress

© Ruben Cress

I'm 100% sure they are closed lol. Look at all the locks!

But yeah, at times like these, you got to be creative, and you can finally put some valuable knowledge to good use. Bigger Focal Length + a wide aperture. You don't know what this means? Well, let me tell you before I show you. Because of the wide aperture, you're allowing yourself to have a decent Depth of Field, whereas most of the stuff in the foreground will be blurry. The bigger the focal length, the less you will notice that you're shooting through this fence. Because I was obstructed, for real, I was forced to make a vertical panorama. I wanted to make a panorama, but I usually always use all my time with compositions, so I get a nice and steady shot in the center. Luckily, there was this fence, otherwise, I most probably would have forgotten about it.

And look at that, a 5K by 13.5K pixels panorama shot, a little bit on the small end for it to be considered a panorama, but I don't care. The details are insane. I can spot the LED lights attached to the Eiffel tower, insane. While I usually crop my images to 2048x1365, I could crop this one into 20 of those and still have some nice quality. Bizarre.

© Ruben Cress

© Ruben Cress

© Ruben Cress

© Ruben Cress

© Ruben Cress

Have you visited the Eiffel Tower?

The Eiffel Tower is a magnificent landmark known worldwide and absolutely a monument that attracts a lot of people all over the world. Many people take photographs of themselves, or of the landmark itself.

© Ruben Cress!

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I've been to Paris this year, it deserves its name as the ,,City of Love,,.


Nice man, it sure is a romantic city. We loved it there, and most probably we will return for the delicious croissants @ Bo & Mie (wow).

Amazing shots! I see the tower everyday, on my way to work. You managed to capture it in a very great season, with a lot of yellowish colours in the trees. That rends it amazingly well!

Thank you so much @lemouth, with work, are you talking about the lab inside the tower? How brilliant would that be?

I tend to edit most of my photographs in autumn/fall colors (I love that Season), but they were actually taken during the Summer, so please forgive me for altering the Season onto the next one ;)

Thank you so much @lemouth, with work, are you talking about the lab inside the tower? How brilliant would that be?

Ahaha. In fact the true story is much more boring. I have to walk for 10 minutes between the train station and the metro station that takes me to work. During that walk, I can see the Eiffel tower.

Note that I also have a nice view on the tower from work. Here is an example:

Please don't laugh. Just remember that I am not a professional photographer and that this picture is taken with my cellphone, through a window ;)

(Will this motivate you to visit me at work ;) )

😃 The shot of the Eiffel tower from a distance is perfect!

You can't simply visit Paris for the first time, and not see the Eiffel Tower.

So true! The Eiffel Tower looks gigantic this close, I can't imagine how it will look if I'm standing right under it. Beautiful pictures. 😃

Thank you @Ladytitan :)

9 years ago, I visited Paris as well and was able to walk underneath the big monument, it was -really- nice to be able to walk under it and look at it from that perspective, it's huge!
I believe they paint the monument every 7 years, so I have two different photographs of the Eiffel Towers in my collection :D


Wonderful photos, how I would love to be able to take photos in paris, for now it is impossible, I congratulate you for those great photos

Thank you, David, hopefully, you will be able to photograph Paris in the future! it surely is a beautiful city, if not the most beautiful city in Europe in my opinion.

Looking at the photos is far more easier than walking on the stairs till the level they are allowing visitors on foot. God! My knee said no more stairs but I went up anyway 😁 I didn't want to use the elevator as it takes away the joy, not to mention the view you could enjoy while climbing the stairs.

Thanks for the photos, it's nice to see them. (I lost 6 days of photos taken in Paris 😦)

Haha, yes... the walking while visiting Paris! Imagine that plus having a foot infection 0.0

I'm sorry to hear you lost your photographs of Paris... how did that happen?

Foot infection? Holy heaven! That must have been hell!!! I hope you're better now.

Well, I came home and downloaded the photos on my PC, then life kept me busy and in a month I think, my PC died and I had not backup of the photos. I have been able to recover photos of the first two days, which were downloaded to a laptop, which was with me in Paris. But the owner of the laptop is not a fan of photos and resized all the photos to a shitty size 😢

So I have to go back and redo the tour 😂

However, it was nice to see the tower through your blog!

Very nice Pictures!!! I've never been to the Eifel Turm so far but will check out any time later. What Setup do you have used?

Greetings louis

Appreciate that Louis! Good to see you here :D
I've used my Sony A7RII and the 105mm f/2.8 Sigma, the 17-40mm L f/4.0, and the 50mm f/1.4. All or nothing, right :P

Cheers bro

Wow geniales fotos, la torre Eiffel se ve muy imponente increible, saludos

These photos are really beautiful! Your composition and color grading are sooooo great, it makes me dream of going to Paris! 🥹

Thank you @travelingmercies, appreciate the kind words. I always struggle a bit with color grading, it makes it a bit... permanent, right? hah.

Going to Paris is really worth it! Dream it, and realize it :D

Hahaha yup! It's a difficult task. What camera and lens(es) do you usually use in your photos? :) I'm saving for an upgrade for my old (but still) reliable Sony a5000.

Even when we find some obstacles or privations creativity hasa very important role to deal and coupe with the situation! Never been in Paris. I only know it from cinema, photos and some travel blogs. Original perspective on the 4 legged land mark, @rubencress! 😉

Appreciate that xrayman! :)

Paris, France is one of my dream places to travel to, who wouldn't want to visit such a magnificent place right? The images are so pretty. That panorama shot made my jaw drop, I'm not kidding 😂.

Hey Ruben, I am glad to hear that you are taking time for yourself, that is so important.
Love those shots, I visited abut 9 years ago, you photos are much prettier than my memories, you sure have good eye to see beauty. xxx

Thank you! Wow, the last time I visited Paris was also 8-9 years ago! We might have seen each other haha. How have you been? Hope all is well xx

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These are really fine pictures, man!

Thanks man! I forgot to add a bunch more xD

What a lovely place ☺️☺️

It really is

I loved your photographies, they look great. Good work my friend. Cheers!

Thank you :))

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