Hello friends of hive, today I have the pleasure to share my visit to the town of Araya. This is a coastal town, which has beautiful beaches and a rich diversity of marine life.
En mi estadia en araya me pude dar cuenta que el puerto es muy movido en relación al transporte maritimo, ya que para viajar en via terrestres es un trayecto muy largo, de muchas horas. Es por ello que la principal via de transporte, asi como economica es la maritima, ya que de ella se benefician tanto en la movilización de materia prima, como de las personas a otras ciudades.
In my stay in Araya I could realize that the port is very busy in relation to maritime transport, since to travel by land is a very long journey, many hours. That is why the main means of transportation, as well as economic is the maritime, as it benefits both in the mobilization of raw materials, such as people to other cities.
Apreciamos un atardecer lluvioso en familia, fue uno de los mejores momentos de mi vida, ya que habia pasado tiempo que no conviviamos y nos dabamos ese calor fraternal que tanto necesitabamos. Es como de esta manera pudimos apreciar el anochercer en la playa, todos juntos.
*We enjoyed a rainy sunset as a family, it was one of the best moments of my life, since it had been a long time since we had been together and we gave each other that fraternal warmth that we needed so much. This is how we were able to appreciate the sunset on the beach, all together._
*Cabe destacar que araya es un lugar rico en sal bruta, y es en este lugar que se pueden encontrar unas grandes salinas de hermosos colores._
*It should be noted that Araya is a place rich in raw salt, and it is in this place that you can find some large salt pans of beautiful colors_.
Muy hermosas las playas de Araya sus aguas cristalinas son únicas. Saludos
Muchas Bendiciones!!
Si, hermosas. Bendiciones !