English / German
Postcard motif of St. Sigmund / Postkartenmotiv von St. Sigmund
In the distance, clouds weave around the peaks creating the best light I could wish for. Without the strong contrasts of sunshine, the long exposures become very strong in colors and give us glimpses of the small details of nature. This time there are not only water pictures but also views of the surrounding area.
In einiger Entfernung umweben Wolken die Gipfel und schaffen damit das beste Licht das ich mir wünschen kann. Ohne die starken Kontraste bei Sonnenschein werden die langen Belichtungen sehr stark in den Farben und geben uns Einblicke in die kleinen Details der Natur. Diesmal sind es nicht nur Wasserbilder sondern auch Blicke in die nähere Umgebung.
Boulder barrier / Geröllsperre
Flowers and mushrooms in the meadow / Blumen und Pilze auf der Wiese
Free horses / Freie Pferde
Back to work / Zurück zur Arbeit
Motif far down in the valley / Motiv weit unten im Tal
Camera: Canon EOS 200D
Lens: Tamron 70-210 mm, Tamron 10-24 mm, Lee Neutral Density Filter
Edit: darktable
See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!
Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!
Original content by
Dear friend, excellent post, some beautiful photos, if they gave me to choose a photo I would stay with all, you are a magnificent photographer, greetings
Lovely pictures taken as always but am surprised with the height of that brown horse is it a dwarf horse lol.
Wow great post, such amazing pictures wow great post, such amazing pictures you’ve taken.
How to join your discord..plss tell me
I am not on discord.
So where can I follow you sir..
The quality of the pictures are so good.
Wow this is absolutely awesome nice photos there
That’s really an amazing shots taken by you….
Really loved it
Very good pictures taken, the red horse was beautiful, the flow of water looks really nice. The first picture is the most interesting
The pictures are beautiful and great shots.
Beautiful scenery from the nature and experiment on it is quite smooth, best of luck of your photography challenge.