Photo tour in the Bavarian Forest / Fototripp in den Bayerischen Wald (3)

English / German


Today I'll take you on a visit to the Bodenmais spa gardens.

Heute nehme ich euch mit auf einen Besuch in den Kurpark von Bodenmais.


Kurpark von Bodenmais

In the immediate vicinity of the city center, this park was created in the 1980s. Many bodies of water, bridges and old trees invite you to take a walk.

In unmittelbarer Nähe zum Stadtzentrum entstand dieser Park in den 1980'er Jahren. Viele Wasserflächen, Brücken und alter Baumbestand laden zu einem Spaziergang ein.


If you arrive by train you get off in the middle of the park and have this view:

Falls man mit der Bahn anreist steigt man mitten im Park aus und hat diesen Blick:




Autumn is on its way to the fullest, now is the time for the colorful leaves, simply beautiful.

Der Herbst ist in vollen Zügen unterwegs, jetzt ist die Zeit der bunten Blätter, einfach wunderschön.


The forest railway has its end point here. For me reason to take two pictures with perspective lines.


Die Waldbahn hat hier ihren Endpunkt. Für mich Anlaß zwei Bilder mit Perspektivlinien zu machen.



Since the train traffic is limited, it is safe to look for and try out motifs.

Da sich der Zugverkehr in Grenzen hält ist es gefahrlos möglich Motive zu suchen und auszuprobieren.





Finally, something special about this area. Death boards that remind of the deeds and lives of the deceased.

Zum Schluß noch etwas Besonderes dieser Gegend. Totenbretter die an die Taten und das Leben Verstorbener errinnern.


Camera: Canon EOS 200D
Lens: Tamron 10-24 mm, Tamron 70-210 mm
Edit: darktable


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        


Die Serie an Bildern ist klasse. Du hattest also auch einen tollen Indian Summer. Solche Farben haben wir hier nur selten... ;-)

I feel bad now. We had Duck breast for Sunday dinner.

The Fall colours are so beautiful. Here they are fading fast into winter. Beautiful photography

I love autumn and forest, nice series! 👍

beautiful pictures, great ride, beautiful fall colors

Oh! So rich the autumn colours!! Everything turned into Golden colours! Very beautiful!

Such amazing photos gorgeous rich and warm fall colors and great reflections what a delightful area

An atmosphere like this that many people have been waiting for, especially nature lovers, feels serene and very peaceful being in these conditions, and again coupled with the beautiful scenery around it, it's perfect.
Thank you for sharing the beauty of today 🥰🥰🤗🤗

The reflection of the trees in the water is so beautiful! Great colors!

Beautiful. Makes me miss New England here in the US, which looks very similar to this, complete with the leaves changing color each fall.

Great autumn scenes here. Looks like it would be a great place to take a walk through.

Very beautiful photographs! Autumn looks lovely there! Keep up the good work, much health, success, and happiness along your close/dear ones! Congratulations for your illustrative photography once again! :)

Wow lovely pictures, you really took me there through your pictures. Keep up the good work

@schamangerbert wow the gardens look amazing..
Awesome photography from you..thanks for sharing...

Sehr schöner Post und klasse Bilder 👍👍

A magnificent work of art of nature, I hope I can visit this in the future.

I don't think there's any better moment to go to such places other than during the autumn 😉

Love this!

This park is beautiful and tree with leaves is a very fantastic, the rail traffic sign is indicate that its a limited transit there and not a big rush. All the photos are taken very nicely and sharpely.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment