Some photos I reserved for this communtity from today's walk

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

What the high trees look like from a distance. Apologies for the Potato Quality, but that is precisely what my phone camera is. I'll try to get better ones next time on camera. But still, they do go pretty high up.

Someone has been cutting wood. A lovely campfire awaits, let's hope whoever is getting to use them enjoys the fire while it lasts. Makes me kinda wish I had some good ol' milk, a good book and sitting next to the fireplace on a cold evening in the Winter.
Lovely thoughts!

Outside a wind cover, I also found two random pairs of planks laying around, minding no-one's business. I wonder what they are supposed to be used for? I have seen a lotta construction in the area, so maybe they have some kind of correlation? Regardless, I'd love to be as tell as them.!

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Finally, I had a good look at the plants. My family grows tomatoes too, so it made me feel kind of homesick. Very unexpectedly, ducks eat these things too if they go onto land. In fact, many creatures do, like Goats, but then again they eat nearly anything. Imagine being so small you can use them as umbrellas, that would be kinda cute, but alas no such thing as shrink rays exist, therefore we gotta deal with what we have. Alice in Wonderland is fiction afterall.

The final photo of today is this nice old street lamp. They always serve their duty at night, which is to bright up the town. From what I know, they come in various forms of light, but in the past they used to kill whales for storing energy in them, and blackouts were frequent due to faulty wiring, although thankfully that happened in the 19th century, and is old memories by now, some lamps even use renewable energy these days.

That's all for now, bye guys! Hope you enjoyed the post, I'll bring in more soon for you to enjoy.


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What a cool, vintage street lamp! Love it! 😃

Why thank you very much for coming to my post, yes indeed I do appreciate people liking these photos from the Wednesday Walk despite no official camera being in my baggage. I love posting photography here since I actually get some pretty decent and heart-warming responses, including yours. Hope you'll enjoy the rest coming next week, thekittygirl. Until then I'll be on the Discord Server.
K cya!