This Morning's Sunrise Above Donner Lake

Another 4:30am alarm to wake me up, another Donner Lake sunrise! It was icy out there this morning. I had to walk across Rainbow Bridge from the parking area to get to this location. The crampons were still in my backpack so I was slipping and sliding on the road. Quite a few vehicles were spinning there tires as they slowly made it across the bridge. But enough about that... How about that sunrise?!

It was another beautiful one. The inversion above Donner Lake and Truckee, California was something special. I'd say it was a perfect scene except for the airplane vapor trail. But it was part of the scene, and it was a bit too big for me to feel comfortable removing it in Photoshop.

Both photos below were shot with a Canon 5DS R and a 24-105mm lens. A tripod and a graduated neutral density filter on the lens were also used for both shots.


For the photo above, the ISO was 50, the aperture was f/20, and it was a 3.2 second long exposure.

The photo below was also ISO 50, the aperture was f/8, and it was 1/25 of a second exposure. A flash was used in this shot in order to light up the tree and the heart carved into it. Before I added the flash, the tree was pretty much a silhouette.


I really like both photos a lot, but once again, I can't decide which one is my favorite. Which shot do you like best? The colorful photo, or the sunburst photo?


I've been shooting this location for nearly 20 years. This spot can get icy and extremely dangerous. For Christmas, I received a nice pair of spiked crampons for my boots. What a game changer! Way better than my boot cables, or using my spiked snowshoes. I felt completely safe and like I had more traction here on the ice than when it is all exposed granite in the summer.


Here's the Amazon link for the crampons (I'm not an affiliate or anything) - Crampon Ice Cleats


Alright, I have prints to package up now but I feel like I am going to need a nap soon. The hardest part of sunrise shoots for me is that early alarm clock...

Thank you for looking and I hope you all have a great day out there!

Scott Thompson



ANother bunch of glorious images. But I am freezing just by looking

Same, I've lived in Florida for too long, my blood is thin!

Thank you @sergiomendes! Lots of layers. Not very fashionable...

layering is in :D

Awesome, good to know, thank you!

Awesome shots man. I wish I could get the motivation to go out and get some sunrise shots in the winter, but I hate being cold, lol.

Thank you! I actually hate being cold too. But I dress like the little brother from Christmas Story in these conditions so I'm usually alright. Cheers!

I prefer the sunburst but they are both gorgeous! I visited that area when I was 15 or so and I wish I could go back, especially after seeing these.

Thanks for letting me know! It has changed a lot in the 19 years I've live here but it's still a great place to live or visit.

Amazing shots! The second is my fav but also the first is mind blowing! The landscape is just wonderful!

Greetings from Romania :)

Thank you! It's a pretty special part of California, I love it here. Cheers!

Love those cold crisp mornings when you get inversions like that. Epic shots mate.

Thank you! Yes, it's been happening a lot lately. Great time of year for it.

Oh man, that cloud inversion is a photographer's dream. Beautiful images :)

Felt like I was still dreaming after waking up at 4:30am... Thank you!

These photos are so beautiful, I often feel lazy going out in the winter though we are having white snowy winter here. Excellent photos...

Thank you! It's tough but I slept in late today, guilt free.

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Image by barbara-orenya