The Car park Photoshoot with Yassine

The Car park sessions

There is one thing I am doing all the time. And that is working.
Either I am at home, editing photos, videos, writing, recording new videos or coming out with new ideas. I am always working. And I Love that. But the most fun part about working is when I get to go out there and take photos. That is the part of the job that for me it is not working, although it is a lot of work, that is the fun part and I wish I could be doing that more often.

So when I got the chance to go out and have a photoshoot with my friend Yassine I was super happy about it. We wanted to come out with something very industrial and street style. We thought that a car park would for sure be the ideal location. And we were right.

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Yassine was an excellent model and I had a lot of fun working with him. I love to collaborate with people that also bring some to the photoshoot.

It is true that sometimes when you have your own vision and own idea, that can be annoying. But no matter how focus I am on my perspective and view. I always prefer to make it a collaborative project. Usually that will also assure that the end result will be much better.

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We went for some more traditional images, that you might have seen created by many but if you know me, something I always like to try and bring to my photos is a different perspective and a more conceptual point of view. I was glad that Yassine was open to try and come up with some images like that, even if that was not what he was looking for his portfolio.

There are so many photos from this shoot that I really Love that it was so difficult for me to choose which ones to edit and share with you.

The ones you see here, believe it or not are a small selection from all the photos we have captured.

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This car park it is quite large and luckily the top floors were almost empty and they were not too busy. Because if it was in a busy day or a busier place, these would have been so much more difficult to shoot. Also, probably it wouldn't be safe to be shooting in there.

We had a couple of cars coming in and out and we were always alert to out surroundings.

These were taking in the Summer time and we could have not been luckier with the light. The sun was shinning beautifully, on a cloudy day I don't think we would be able to shoot here with that natural light.

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I have not return to this place to shoot again but I would love to shoot there more often. Because the industrial vibes are really impeccable and there is so many fun photo and concepts you can come up with in there.

Spring is here, Summer is around the corner soon, so maybe I need to start looking for someone, come up with a fun concept and come back to this car park for another photoshoot.

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This one below it was just another silly idea I had, I know this is not everyone's favourite but I really like how it came out.

Don't ask me how many times I had him throwing the hat, I might had him doing it way more times than he wanted. But in the end it was so worth it to me.

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On our way out I have decided to run to te car park floor below and ask him to hang from the side. I like the image but it is one of those that in my head was going to look so much cooler. And it actually, doesn't. But it is fine. Sometimes we have to try, some tries might be huge vistories and other times, like this one, they are just an okay result.

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I know I keep saying I want to get out there and shoot more people. And the only thing that is stopping me right now it is the lack of funds. So I am working hard as well to change that. So not having money to pay my bills won't be any longer the reason why I am not photographing more often.

From the photos in here which one is your favourite?

Camera used - Canon EOS 750 D Check Here
Lens - 50 mm Check Here

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You have very good sense for photos. I enjoyed a lot, thank you! Like a new user, you inspire me

thank you so much. I am glad to hear it. Keep going you got this

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