A lovely summer walk by the sea

Well, summer has started, the heat has begun, but so have the pleasant morning and evening walks by the sea, which are beautiful in the summer because it’s nice and cool when it’s hot outside, and you can hear the singing of birds and cicadas that tell us it’s going to be a hot day.
Yet in the winter, it's also nice to walk by the sea because, even though it’s a bit colder, a nice cold wind blows, which we call BURA, and when it’s gentle, we call it BURIN.
But when you dress warmly, there is no greater health benefit than sitting for a while by the sea and breathing in that fresh, cold, but clean sea air.


I can feel the heat!

I trust my friend, but with this beautiful breeze and the sound of the sea, everything is forgotten

I agree with you my friend 😊