Exploring the Allgäu Alps - Walking the High Moor Above Bolsterlang

in Photography Lovers4 years ago (edited)


The second hike during my stay in the Allgaeu led me up the Weiherkopf (~1660 m), a peak above the village Bolsterlang. This peak allows a great view on the Allgaeu main ridge, especially if weather conditions are ideal as they were at the day of my hike.

I had also climbed the neighboring peak, the Grosser Ochsenkopf and on the way there could capture a few atmospheric impressions from the high moor which is located in the drop between the two peaks.


Starting point is the village Bolsterlang, about 10 km north of Oberstdorf. The Hörner cable car brings us up at about 1400 m height, so that the climb to the Weiherkopf is just another 200 m.

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On the way up, the peaks of the Kleinwalsertal start showing up. To the right the characteristic Widderstein.



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Lots of paragliders started from the slopes below the Weiherkopf. Weather conditions were as good as it can get.

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The so-called triumvirate of the Allgaeu Alps: Trettachspitze (2595 m), Mädelegabel and Hochfrottspitze.

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In the background the Hochvogel (2592m), another signature peak of the Allgaeu.

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Approaching the high moor.

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If every cow could live this live.


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Preparing to descent again.

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The view on the Grünten (1737m), house mountain of Sonthofen.

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Back just in time for today's sundowner.

I hope you enjoyed my photographic excursion up the Weiherkopf. Thanks for watching and see you next time.

All photos recorded by myself with a Canon EOS 7D. All rights reserved.


Hi @shaka,

ich hab' dir im Discord eine Nachricht geschickt.

Hi @shaka,

ich hab' dir heute im Discord noch einmal eine Nachricht geschickt.

Wonderful pictures 😍

Interesting. This time, the landscape doesn´t remind me of my Czech homeland but rather the Azores. Probably because of the green hills and pristine nature :)


BEER Hey @shaka, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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Glückliche Kühe, bezaubernde Landschaften und wagemutige Flieger, wunderschön in Bildern eingefangen.
Sehr gelungen, der Aufstieg hat sich gelohnt!
Das erfrischende !BEER hast du dir redlich verdient. 😎

BEER Hey @shaka, here is a little bit of from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!

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Oh, these pictures make me dream. Such a wonderful countryside.
I would like to just put my log cabin somewhere there.

Great photos!

Tolle Bilder! Ich war am Wochenende auch im Allgäu, in Schwangau. Ich war noch nie im Sommer im Allgäu, aber es war wirklich mega schön. Leider war der Himmel bei uns etwas diesig und nicht ganz so klar wie auf deinen Bildern.

It is such a beautiful landscape and I can't imagine the weather there too @shaka but surely the scenery is very breathtaking.

Beautiful Picture ☺☺

Very nice, put it on my campervan travel list :p

It is so beautifull!!!!

Freedom shouting from every photo and the joy of flying which simply feels your hearth with joy and limitless happiness.

Some photos are really like postcards. All great, I like very much.