These pictures were taken this morning It actually looks very nice The surroundings are sparkling in the light of the sun The rice seedlings also look very beautiful Our natural beauty is really beautiful.
By planting rice seedlings we produce golden rice crop And we use that rice as food And by selling that paddy we remove our economic shortage.
oday's picture is of paddy field In fact, we usually cultivate rice in the village. All those villages in Bengal cultivate rice Poor people make a living by cultivating paddy. And they remove the poverty of the family. There are open fields in many parts of the village and the people of the village are cultivating the land and producing various types of crops. From this, they get their many economic benefits and satisfy their various basic needs. And in what paddy field they toil so much they reap the harvest of their hardships. Day and night they toil a lot, they work in the field, they grow crops.
The people of the village work very hard to provide food by growing golden crops And do they toil in the sun and produce their golden harvest This is how they continue the family of suffering.
They start by cultivating the rice of their hardships and continue to cultivate the crops of daily necessity. The colors of their rice are very beautiful golden color. The golden colors look really beautiful. They work hard on the harvest of their hardships, they cultivate the land And they live their lives.