Good Morning photography world and Hive Family, today's bird feature is the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) and these are at all my local lakes. I have many shot's of these but here are a couple that I liked the most. These are all pretty friendly because everyone feeds them, some are not but normally all pretty chill. Except when it comes to some ducks, they chase them off a lot and then other times you'll see them all together, pretty crazy. What do you think of the shot's let me know, these particular ones were actually when I first started shooting birds, I suppose I should go and take some different shot's of them with my new lens, rather than the old one when these were taken.
What can I say about these Goose, They are a large brown, white goose with the black neck but has a white chinstrap. Overall they have so many different sizes, as well as the bill, and brown the coloration are all different variables in this species. They obviously hang out in the wetland habitat, from city parks, the occasional golf courses and the Arctic tundra. Typically in flocks or family groups with the gang type mentality. HaHa. They are pretty widespread throughout the U.S. and Canada but are rare down in Mexico. Introduced and widely established in Europe. You can listen for loud honking calls but is pretty annoying if you ask me, as for when they are in flocks they migrate overhead in the classic V formation, which is pretty cool to me. I have some real nice shot's of the Canada Gooses babies but that will be for a future post, I don't need to hand out all the goodies in one post, do I. haha
For me this is my favorite shot, to get the water drop is what I was trying to focus on when I was taking this shot. I'm a fan of water drops, off something or when it hits the waster. I've been focusing on trying to capture those moments, given the chance.
Another water drop moment and another shot in my favorites. I'm definitely a fan of getting all angles of birds that I can, I don't see the point to get on the ground and get the shot of that bird at its level always, its cool and all but to me not my favorite thing to do. My birding shot's my way is what its all about, I don't follow the crowd.
Had to throw this one in there, not a big fan of the darkness of the Good, with the background, but to actually see this things tongue was pretty fun, ugly but fun. haha
Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.
These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.