The Reddish Egret Shot's #178

"Reddish Egret"

Shot by Shoemanchu

Date 2-11-24

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Good evening Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, what I got here for you all tonight is a first time capture for me once again, the Reddish Egret and I can tell you this I need to go down to Rob's Field again and try and get better shot's of this guy in flight now or even posted up as these three shot's are. A new favorite bird for me, for sure, I just love the color of this bird and I am glad I was able to get such good shot's for the first time shooting it. So many bird species and I just need to keep checking them off my list but you know me giving a chance I will shoot any bird over and over again. I absolutely love this first shot here,the cover shot and I was so glad it shook off like it did to get this shot with the awesome detail of the feathers. This actually might be one I print right here for sure, I like it that much and I haven't printed any shot's yet. Need to get a couple on the wall so they can keep inspiring me to go out and get more and more. I do feel like as time has gone by in my short career of photography, I feel like I am getting better and better. So stay tuned and I hope you all are enjoying my process here, as much as I am. Now for the next shot below, this was almost my cover as well but I just cant pass up the detail on the top one but this one the way his head and feathers are swinging up like this, it just might be a printed one too but one thing is I am not sure if I cropped this one for if I did, I'd like to get more of the shot up and down on it. Maybe I didn't not to sure but I just feel it looks to much crammed in there, so we shall see. Regardless a personal best of a quality shot in my opinion.

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Now for the last shot here presented tonight, I always love the scratching shot's birds do and to me this was a perfect timing shot with what appears to his hair looking like a Mohawk, this for me on the Egrets are so nice to capture is when their hair sticks up, they also do it while not scratching but I didn't get any on this day but hopefully in the future I will, not to mention it would be nice to capture this Reddish Egret getting a fish for food too. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed my shot's here tonight on this post, appreciate you all taking the time to check them out. Thank you and have a blessed one, let's keep shooting...

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Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.



Nice shots 👍🏻👏🏻

Thank you...

Really interesting shots! Crystal clear detail in your focus! Well done brother.

Thanks Brother, appreciate it. It's like everyone tells me to go Mirrorless and eventually I will but you can still get really good shot's with a DSLR, so I am in not rush.

Awesome shots. That bird is so cool looking. It looks mischievous like it is up to no good.

Right, haha. Thanks appreciate it.

The black and brown of its feathers is magnificent.

Thank you

Such an interesting looking bird, love your photos!

Thank you appreciate it.