Protests in Serbia

in Photography Lovers2 months ago

Hello everyone!
Probably many of you know that there have been protests in Serbia for more than 2 months. A terrible accident at the railway station in Novi Sad in which 15 people died when a canopy fell on them. It is still not known who is responsible. The railway station was renovated about a year and a half ago. Students stood up and rebelled. Corruption has been reigning in our country for many years. Most institutions are not doing their job, and this is one of the demands of the students, that the institutions do their job, and find those responsible for this terrible accident.

As I said, the protests have been going on for over 2 months, and today I was at one. Today there was a general strike in all of Serbia, and at 11:52 a 15-minute silence for the victims began. That's exactly when the victims died, and every protest begins with a 15-minute silence to honor the victims. I live in the small town of Smederevo, but a large number of people have gathered to demand justice. You can see the banners made by students. You can also see older people coming out onto the terraces because they are unable to go out into the streets. I hope that justice and honesty will prevail in Serbia, without corruption. I hope that we will have days of joy and not days of sorrow, because we have had too many misfortunes lately and it is time to put an end to that.


This girl holding this banner, its translation is "We won't ask you twice more". It was taken from a dating show and originally on that show a man proposed to a woman who rejected him and he told her "I'll ask you twice more"


In this picture you can roughly see how many people there are. I would honestly like to know how many people there were, but I don't have that information right now, as soon as I find out I'll let you know :D


This banner has a rhyme, unfortunately it won't rhyme when I translate it, it says "Gymnasium blocked because the government is doing nothing". Gymnasium is my former high school.





"The end bell hasn't rung yet"


In addition to students, older people also gathered to support us in the fight for justice. This gentleman had a very loud trumpet, because after 15 minutes of silence we started walking to institutions that should be doing their job but are not. We made a lot of noise during that walk, accompanied by banners, as you saw :)



"Freedom is valued more than bologna"


"You're threatening, we are giving a lesson now"


"Crime and Punishment" - everyone knows this book


"The time has come when silence = betrayal"



News is all about mainstream - Country we living in and big boys - USA/CHINA/RUSSIA/UK

Good that on Hive can find some other stuff too

Yes, great powers are always written about, we smaller ones are often forgotten :D