European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus)

in Photography Lovers7 months ago

When I saw a documentary about wildlife in the Czech Republic a few years ago. I was interested in one passage that was dedicated to the common ground squirrel. It was interesting that this part was filmed on the edge of a housing estate in Mladá Boleslav. Where this species thrives most in the Czech Republic. And that's why when I was at Rally Bohemia last weekend, I decided to visit this place and try to photograph some of these rodents. What is the difference between taking pictures of fast moving cars and small rodents. I was surprised at how quickly these little critters develop speed in a short amount of time. And so there was no choice but to sit near the exits from the burrow. And wait until he has the decency to climb out. It's just a pity that the visitors have the need to feed the animals with everything possible, so there is a guard who makes sure that people do not harm them and incorrectly feed them with food meant for humans.

Když jsem před několika lety viděl dokument o divoké přírodě v České republice. Zaujala mě jedna pasáž, která byla věnována Syslu obecnému. Zajímavé bylo, že tato část byla natáčena na okraji sídliště v Mladé Boleslavi. Kde se tomuto druhu daří nejvíce v České republice. A proto když jsem byl o uplynulém víkendu na Rally Bohemia tak jsem se rozhodl toto místo navštívit a pokusit se nějaké tyto hlodavce nafotit. Jaký je asi rozdíl fotit rychle jedoucí auta a malé hlodavce. Překvapila mě rychlost jakou jsou tato malá zvířátka vyvinout během krátkého okamžiku. A tak nezbývalo než se posadit v blízkosti výlezů z nory. A čekat, než se uráčí vylézt ven. Jen je škoda, že návštěvníci mají potřebu zvířátka krmit vším možným a tak je zde hlídka, která dohlíží aby jim lidé neubližovali a nesprávně je krmili potravou určenou pro lidi.
















All of these photos were taken on a Canon R6 Mark II with a Canon EF 70-200/F4 telephoto lens with a Canon EF 1.4x teleconverter. And the setting was F8 aperture, 1/800s speed and auto ISO. This ranged from 500 to 800 depending on how the sun was shining through the clouds. And the distance from the animals was at least two meters.

Všechny tyto fotografie byly pořízeny na Canon R6 Mark II s teleobjektivem Canon EF 70-200/F4 s telekonvertorem Canon EF 1.4x. A nastavení bylo clona F8, rychlost 1/800s a auto ISO. To se pohybovalo od 500 do 800 podle toho jak slunce prosvítalo přes mraky. A vzdálenost od zvířátek byla minimálně přes dva metry.


This type of squirrel is known as Ururuta in my dialect. It's always encouraging to observe wildlife's because their actions relieves stress.

You are extraordinary, my friend, for being able to successfully photograph animals as cute as squirrels.

Amazing that you caught both the squirrel and the bee. These are stunning photos, you had a lot of patience.

Sitting among the squirrels was so relaxing between special stages at Rally Bohemia. And the wasp in the picture is a complete coincidence, I didn't notice it until I saw the photos in full resolution.

That's one of the exciting things about photography, looking at the photos you've taken afterwards is a second discovery :)

It's great to see how you balanced patience and technique to capture these lively animals. The kings and queens of cuteness are squirrels I think hehehe

This post was curated by dimascastillo90 from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our Curation Trail - Delegations are Welcome

They're so cute! I love this pics! Thanks for sharing this with us!