The glory of Christ - The light of tradition through the ages

in Photography Lovers7 days ago (edited)
Authored by @Sreten

The celebration of baptism is more than a custom - it is the thread that connects the past, present and future of every Serbian family. It is not just a day when we gather, but a holy day that reminds us of our ancestors, their faith, patience and perseverance. Every house that celebrates glory carries within itself a centuries-old story, the story of the ancestors who, accepting Christianity, chose a patron saint and vowed to respect him and pass that holiday down from generation to generation.


Once upon a time, when Serbian families lived in close-knit villages, in narrow but warm homes with a hearth in the middle, slava was one of the few days of the year when everything was put aside - both work in the fields, and care of livestock, and daily duties. That day was dedicated to prayer, hospitality and thanksgiving. The old people said that a house that does not celebrate fame has neither blessing nor happiness, because fame is not just a feast, but a sign that the family is stable and has its roots.

Preparations started days in advance. The host would take care of getting the best flour for the celebratory cake, the best wine was chosen for the consecration, and the women in the house diligently prepared the festive table. The oven had been burning since early dawn, and the smell of baking, home-made bread and various diakonies spread through the courtyard, announcing that a day of joy was coming. In many regions, it was believed that the night before the celebration was filled with a special spiritual meaning, so the hosts said prayers while lighting the fire, and some even left the door open so that, according to the old folk belief, the souls of the ancestors could also attend the celebration.



Fame has always had a deeper symbolism. A candle that burns throughout the day represents the light of faith, the celebration cake is a symbol of communion and abundance, while grain is prepared in honor of deceased ancestors, uniting the living and the dead in one prayer. The priest came to consecrate the celebratory water and cross the cake together with the host, while the gathered family members prayed for health, happiness and progress.


It used to be believed that the year would be fruitful and the house full of blessings if the candle burned evenly and without crackling, while a sudden flame or tilting of the wax would be a sign of challenges to come. It was important who entered the house first on the day of glory - if it was a happy and joyful person, it was believed that it would be like that for the whole year. These customs were not just superstitions, but a way to maintain hope and faith in a better tomorrow through small rituals.

And so the glory from generation to generation became a symbol of duration, memory and pride. It was a day when young and old were together, when old stories were retold and new generations were taught to never forget their origins. Because a home that celebrates glory is not just a place of residence - it is a sanctuary of the family, a corner where the past and the future meet with the smell of a candle, the sound of a toast and the warmth of togetherness.


The day of glory always begins in a hurry, but with a feeling of special excitement and joy. From early morning, a different atmosphere is felt in the house - the air is filled with the smell of incense, freshly baked bread and dishes that were prepared days in advance. In the kitchen there is a veritable little empire of hard-working housewives, who hurriedly complete the final preparations, while in the living room the celebratory table is carefully set up - the central place of the celebration. There is always a celebratory cake on the table, the shape and decorations of which have a special significance. Someone makes it in the shape of a cross, someone decorates it with dough braids, while always a stamp with the letters "IC XC NI KA" is stamped on the top - a symbol of Christ's victory. Beside him, there is always a bowl of grain, a candle that will burn throughout the day, and, of course, the wine that is used to pour over the cake.


When the priest arrives at the house, everyone gathers around the table. This is followed by prayer, consecration of the holy water and cutting of the cake. The host carefully turns the cake together with the priest and the household, pours wine over it, and then breaks it into four pieces. Each member of the family takes his share, and the host raises a toast, thanking the saint and praying for the health and happiness of the household. This act has a deep-rooted meaning - it symbolizes the togetherness and interconnectedness of the family, regardless of how far its members are from each other.


After the religious service, the real celebration begins. Relatives, godfathers, friends and neighbors arrive at the house, because the celebration is never closed - the door is wide open for all well-intentioned guests. The custom dictates that the guest be welcomed with a smile and sit at least a little, even if it is a glass of brandy or wine, because it is believed that the one who refuses to enter the glory leaves misfortune behind.

There is always plenty and variety on the table - whether it is fat or lean, the Slavic feast has always been proof of the hospitality of the host. If the celebration is during fasting, fish, beans, dried fruits, various types of pies and fasting cakes are prepared. If it is oily, baking, sarma, boiled dishes and various types of salads are indispensable. In both cases, together with the celebration cake and grain, homemade cakes, honey, nuts and the obligatory brandy are served, with which a toast is made in honor of the host and his patron saint.


Getting together at a celebration is not just an ordinary lunch - it is a moment when old stories are retold, those who are no longer there are remembered, but at the same time, one rejoices in life. The elders talk with drink and song about the times when they took over the Slavic custom from their parents, while the younger ones listen, absorbing these stories as part of their heritage. Often a song is heard from some corner of the room - whether it is an old folk song or a humorous toast, the song is an integral part of the festive joy.

In addition to traditional customs, folk beliefs also played an important role in the festive day. The ancients used to say that it is not good for someone in the house to quarrel or be angry on the day of celebration, because it could bring discord in the family. It was also believed that nothing was borrowed on that day, so that wealth would not "leave the house". Also, if the candle burned calmly and evenly, it was believed that the year would be blessed, while the sudden crackling of the candle meant that hard times were coming.


As the day progresses, guests change, the table is constantly replenished, and smiles and joy fill the home. At that moment, the slavish light is not just the flame of a candle on the table - it becomes the light of the gathered family, a sign of permanence, a sign that an ancient heritage continues, despite all the changes that modern life brings.


Centuries ago, the feast of baptism was the heart of the home, a day when hospitality, faith and mutual connection were shown. In the past, festive gatherings were magnificent, but simple in their essence - modest but warm houses were filled with the smells of home-made food, the voices of friends and relatives, and under the flickering light of candles, old and young gathered together, celebrating the patron saint.

In the old days, glory was celebrated in large family cooperatives, where several generations lived under the same roof. The host, as the head of the house, had the honor and obligation to lead the ceremony and make sure that all customs are respected. Guests came on foot or by carriage, often traveling tens of kilometers just to witness the celebration. Everyone brought gifts - home-made wine, dried meat, nuts, and often women wore hand-embroidered towels as a sign of respect for the host.


The table was spread on wooden tables covered with the most beautiful tablecloths. Each guest was served with special attention, because it was believed that whoever came to the party brought good luck home. There was no need for rich tables or sumptuous dishes - the most important thing was the people, their mutual love and respect. Everything happened under the light of a kerosene lamp, with the sounds of gusal or folk songs, while children ran around the yard, happily observing the festivities.

Today, even though we live in a modern age, the celebration of baptism still occupies a special place in Serbian homes. However, the way of celebration has changed - life in cities, accelerated pace and lack of time have made the customs of the celebration to adapt to new conditions. While in the past, cake and cereal were prepared by hand, and candles were lit in modest homes, today, Slavic cakes are ordered from the bakery, and guests often come only for a short time, due to business obligations and a busy lifestyle.


In the past, celebratory tables were a place for family gatherings, while today many celebrate in restaurants, which diminishes the homely, family atmosphere. Also, while previously the celebratory rites were strictly observed, today it often happens that the younger generations are not familiar with the entire meaning of the celebratory event, so in some cases it is reduced to a formal gathering and feast, without deeper religious symbolism.


However, despite all the changes, the spirit of baptismal glory persists. Candles are still lit, the celebratory cake is cut, toasts are made in honor of the ancestors and the family gathers. Although the world is changing, although we live in a digital age where traditional customs are being challenged, fame has remained a symbol of identity and belonging. Every family that has continued to celebrate glory, even in changed circumstances, shows that faith is stronger than time and that tradition cannot be extinguished so easily.


Maybe we no longer gather around the hearth, maybe candles are lit in modern apartments instead of old houses made of mud and stone, but when the family gathers, when a glass is raised with a toast and when a candle flickers on the celebratory table, we become part of something bigger - we become part of an unbroken chain of ancestors and descendants, which lasts for centuries and will last as long as there are those who remember, respect and celebrate.


Wow, that's amazing, the food looks delicious ❤️

I'm glad you like it

Yes my friend I really enjoyed it❤️

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