These are awesome shots, especially if you're capturing them without a tripod.
I'm not much of an expert, but have been tasked with teaching photography, for the first time, to a bunch of Year 11's this year, so have spent the summer break learning the ropes and becoming as adept at using manual settings as 6 weeks will allow.
I've been fascinated by long exposure photography and am happy to see that it is possible to capture images such as these without needing to expose for excessive lengths of time (in what I've been learning, most long exposure shots have been at shutter speeds of 10 seconds or more). Seeing what is possible at under a second is great. It shows that students won't necessarily need stabilisation, and it also makes daytime long exposure a little more possible without requiring filters. These were two of the main reasons I was going to avoid an assessment task on long exposure, but it might just be feasible if I can apply some of your principles.