
Estoy en la barriga de las serpientes unidas.

i would like to go to the united states colombia and venezuela is rubbish.

People are people the world over, it's not much different here.
You will still have a boss, a gov't that is tyrannical, and rent payments that are too damn high.
If you find employment there that lets you save money, I'd stay.
When the banks fail here things are going to be chaotic for weeks if not months.
A well armed, yee haw, 4 wheel drive kinda chaotic.

my friend, I can tell you that your country is better than ours.
I would like to get married and go to your country

I haven't been there, yet, but I've been to europe, asia, and mexico.
I'd still be in mexico if I had better spanish.
Life is hard anywhere there is crapitalism, that's how the rich like it.
It doesn't vary by country, just by numbers on the debt.
Bigger numbers, bigger debt.
There is no freedom over the rainbow.

come to venezuela I can be your teacher and live on the beach a flat costs 20 k

Never say never.