Ie Suum Natural Hot Springs, one of the geotourism locations in Aceh Besar District In Aceh Besar

Have a nice day and of course you can do the things you like and what you want wherever and whenever you want. On this occasion, of course, I am in good health and of course I can do the things that I like. One of the things I really like is that on this occasion I want to share with my hive community friends, a photo of me bathing in a geothermal bath and its benefits.Good afternoon all #hive friends

District, there is a well-known natural hot spring, called Ie Suum. The location is in Le Suum Village, Krueng Raya Settlement, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province. This geotourism object is one of the tourist attractions in Aceh Besar, which is relatively close, about 40 kilometers or about one hour's drive from Banda Aceh City. This natural hot sprinIe Suum Natural Hot Springs, one of the geotourism locations in Aceh Besar District In Aceh Besar District, there is a well-known natural hot spring, called Ie Suum.
The location is in Le Suum Village, Krueng Raya Settlement, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province. This geotourism object is one of the tourist attractions in Aceh Besar, which is relatively close, about 40 kilometers or about one hour's drive from Banda Aceh City. This natural hot spring comes from the Seulawah Agam Volcano Complex, which is one of the Type A active volcanoes in Aceh. The Ie Suum Hot Spring comes out to the surface through a weak path in the releasing bend zone due to the Ie Suum Fault. It is estimated that many other hot springs appear in the lineament of the releasing bend zone.

The location of the Ie Suum Hot Springs can be developed into a geosite as a location for geotourism (earth tourism) and earth education and other scientific activities To reach this geotourism site, Ie Suuem, you can pass through the Banda Aceh Krueng Raya route then head towards Lam Teuba or via Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport. In this location, you can soak in hot water which is right at the foot of the hill, while enjoying the beauty of the hills that surround it. In addition, you can also see the flow of hot water around the foot of the hill in the form of small channels that emit smoke.
Ie Suum hot springs have a temperature of approximately 80 - 85° Celsius, with a fairly large volume of water, and have many springs. Here there are three permanent pools specifically for children, and two pools for men and women. In each pool, there are officers on guard. The children bathe in a pool where the water is relatively shallow. Meanwhile, for men and women, the pools are separated by a towering wall.

At the entrance, it is written that men are prohibited from entering the pool area of ​​the opposite sex. This tourist attraction is open 24 hours. So even at night you can warm your body by bathing here. At night, women are allowed there on condition that they come with their families. Several local youths kindly serve every tourist who comes. At Ie Suum, people can immediately enjoy the sensation of hot baths and sauna baths. Every holiday, especially Saturday and Sunday, hundreds of local tourists arrive from around Banda Aceh City and Aceh Besar District. As is known, geothermal water contains sulfur and other minerals and is believed to be efficacious for curing skin diseases. Warm hot water can also be used for bathing, this is believed to normalize stiff muscles and as a calming therapy. Testimonials from people who often go to the hot springs of Ie Suum, after bathing in the hot springs of Ie Suum, many people with pinched nerves (HNP) experience significant changes.g comes from the Seulawah Agam Volcano Complex, which is one of the Type A active volcanoes in Aceh.
The Ie Suum Hot Spring comes out to the surface through a weak path in the releasing bend zone due to the Ie Suum Fault. It is estimated that many other hot springs appear in the lineament of the releasing bend zone. The location of the Ie Suum Hot Springs can be developed into a geosite as a location for geotourism (earth tourism) and earth education and other scientific activities To reach this geotourism site, Ie Suuem, you can pass through the Banda Aceh Krueng Raya route then head towards Lam Teuba or via Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport. In this location, you can soak in hot water which is right at the foot of the hill, while enjoying the beauty of the hills that surround it.
In addition, you can also see the flow of hot water around the foot of the hill in the form of small channels that emit smoke. Ie Suum hot springs have a temperature of approximately 80 - 85° Celsius, with a fairly large volume of water, and have many springs. Here there are three permanent pools specifically for children, and two pools for men and women. In each pool, there are officers on guard. The children bathe in a pool where the water is relatively shallow. Meanwhile, for men and women, the pools are separated by a towering wall.
At the entrance, it is written that men are prohibited from entering the pool area of ​​the opposite sex. This tourist attraction is open 24 hours. So even at night you can warm your body by bathing here. At night, women are allowed there on condition that they come with their families. Several local youths kindly serve every tourist who comes.
At Ie Suum, people can immediately enjoy the sensation of hot baths and sauna baths. Every holiday, especially Saturday and Sunday, hundreds of local tourists arrive from around Banda Aceh City and Aceh Besar District. As is known, geothermal water contains sulfur and other minerals and is believed to be efficacious for curing skin diseases. Warm hot water can also be used for bathing, this is believed to normalize stiff muscles and as a calming therapy. Testimonials from people who often go to the hot springs of Ie Suum, after bathing in the hot springs of Ie Suum, many people with pinched nerves (HNP) experience significant changes significant.
People with pinched nerves who find it difficult to move can walk after bathing in the hot spring of Ie Suum. The benefits of this hot water are felt by people with pinched nerves. This location is one of the unique geological geosites that has been proposed to become a geological heritage and geological nature reserve area.

Benefits of bathing in hot springs
It may sound trivial, but the benefits of hot baths are in fact very beneficial for the body. In some countries, the habit of soaking in warm water is even used as a business opportunity considering the high market interest. Soaking in hot water can help reduce pain in several parts of the body so it is good for the elderly and is believed to be a therapy for joint and muscle problems. Not only physical health, soaking in warm water also has an impact on mental health. Even soaking in warm water is recommended to be done with a certain time span periodically to create calm or unwind so that the body's metabolism will increase. In one soaking activity, you will not only get the benefits of cleanliness, these 5 benefits.

1.Improve Heart Health
Doing soaking activities using hot water can lower blood pressure. This will have a good impact on heart health. In addition, a hot bath can help dilate blood vessels and encourage an increase in heart rate like during exercise. The dilation of blood vessels will help smooth blood flow in the body. Smooth blood circulation will be able to prevent the risk of disease, especially in the heart.

2.Muscle Relaxation and Creating Quality Sleep
When soaking in hot water, the first thing you will feel is reducing the tension in the muscles. Thus, it can help provide peace to the whole body and create quality sleep. Soaking in hot water is believed to make the body more relaxed and relieve the mind. It also helps you to get more restful sleep. Hot water is also useful for reducing joint pain.

3.Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
For people with diabetes, soaking the body in hot water can help reduce blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. This is because hot temperatures can help manage sugar in the blood to be at normal levels.

4.Reducing Stress
The many burdens of thoughts and activities carried out can trigger stress. Hot baths can help reduce this. If done with the right duration, the muscles in the body will stretch and make the body bigger When the body receives this signal, the brain will produce the hormone oxytocin and give the body an order to rest for a moment. Some research says that hot baths can help manage emotions in someone who is depressed. Due to a decrease in stress hormones and a balance in serotonin levels, it helps regulate one's thoughts and feelings.

5.Helps Heal Wounds and Eliminates Toxins
The calming effect that hot water creates doesn't only affect organs, but also wounds and pain. Soaking the wound using hot water and salt can help heal the wound and relieve pain in the area around the wound.
This method can be done on wounds that can be exposed to water, does not apply to types of wounds that are not recommended by doctors to be exposed to water. In addition, soaking in hot water at the right time can help remove toxins through open pores and sweat produced due to hot temperatures. Make sure not to use products that contain excess chemicals when bathing, this will hinder the wound healing process and release toxins from the body.

A Good Time For A Hot Bath
The various benefits caused by hot water will certainly be maximized if it is done with a certain duration of time. If it's too long, what you get is not the benefits but the bad effects such as dry skin, burns, causing blood pressure to suddenly drop.

How Long Should You Soak To Get Maximum Benefits?
To feel the benefits of hot water, you can soak for only 10 to 15 minutes. While soaking, try to keep moving occasionally. If you start to feel uncomfortable and your body starts sweating, get out of the soaking area immediately and dry your body using a soft towel. Hot water causes all the pores on the skin to open and can cause the skin to feel dry. If something similar happens, use a moisturizer to restore body moisture. Soaking in hot water for too long and using too hot water will have many negative effects on the body. Soaking in hot water for too long and using too hot water will have many negative effects on the body. especially physiological changes in the body whether on a small scale or even can produce serious consequences.

hopefully useful info from me about hot springs