This isn't something you see every day, so I figure it is worth a quick post - considering it has taken me a few hours to get to this point - and typing might help my fingers thaw.
Unfortunately, my settings weren't great for these, but as it was quite cold, I was gloveless to operate the camera, I had filled my shoes with snow and it was after midnight, the subject matter will have to make up for the fuckups.
This is not the first time I have chased the Northern Lights, but it is the first time I have picked her up and despite not getting the "epic" picture I want, these are at least getting around the ballpark - and who doesn't love a bit of ball play. What I am looking for are images where they appear well, but it isn't just them in the picture, I want some kind of landmark as a reference, like a lone tree or an old barn. I have to go somewhere else for a bar though.
I live in the suburbs and these are taken within a couple kilometers of my house around an are that in the summer, we visit to go swimming. See that patch of open water above? That is kept open for people to swim in, as just behind is a public sauna. In Finnish it is called "avanto" swimming, which means open water.
It was a lot darker than it looks in the pictures which made focusing a nightmare, but the sky was far too light, as there is over a half moon (not in crypto unfortunately) and it reflects off the snow a lot. I was able to walk through the forest (yes, live in the suburbs, still forest everywhere) without any lights at all. It sounds a bit like a horror movie, but this is Finland - it is safe as. Though there are lynx in the area supposedly. Do they attack photographers?
Considering it was so late, I was surprised to see a few other people out looking at the sky show that nature puts on occasionally. I live quite south, so this is relatively rare in the area and most people miss them when they are about, as unless very strong, they don't stand out so much to the naked eye, especially with the light pollution. However, the camera picks them up far better as it can read frequencies we miss.
Now that I see them here, I wish I had prepped a bit better and made sure my settings were suitable, but it was getting so late when I decided to go that I rushed it. Oh well. It might be that there will be opportunity for the next couple nights too, so I might head out again and see if I can do better. Still, while these aren't going to win any awards, it is probably the only pictures of the Northern Lights you will see on Hive tonight - though I am often surprised by some of the content that turns up here.
I always feel privileged and grateful seeing the Aurora and even though I have seen it quite a few times now, it is still just as special today as it was my first time. There is majesty in it that is hard to describe and it is the kind of thing that forces you to stop for a moment and drink a bit of light in.
Worth the cold.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
I don’t know if I ever shared this to you but I saw this and thought of you hahaha.
Some awesome shots man! I suck at the night shots as well, I’ve tried to do cool moon ones and I’ve never been able to get the settings right. I guess it would be a decent idea to play around with it at times when I’m not trying to catch cool photos.
I’ve never gotten to see the aurora but it’s on the list of things to eventually see! Given the difficulties I think you pulled it off really well, though I think you gave them a little touch up with light room right? I think that helps correct a lot of issues in the exposure!
Also a plus you didn’t get attacked by a lynx lol
It is held in a little town in easter Finland called Sonkajärvi - My ex is from the area :D
Night shots are okay, but these were hard and it was cold.... my fingers were unable to use the focus ring properly and there was no way to auto it, as it was just too dark to get anything close.
This is the trick... I am not tricky enough. It always ends up being a "when I must" kinda thing.
If you get the chance, take it. They are awesome!
Yes, very quickly on the phone. I might have a look at installing it on the new PC so that I can do some proper editing. On the phone, I only have access to the JPEG, but I store the RAW also.
My wife keeps saying she saw one... but I am dubious. There are deer that walk around the houses, so they have food at least.
One lame thing about Lightroom on the PC is that it's not free. I don't know if you have an iPhone or Android but at least on iPhone it's free to use the app. Computer it's not lol. Personally if I'm editing on the computer I prefer to use the free and open source GIMP software. It's a little daunting to get used to at first but it's not that bad once you find out how to balance colors and all that. I quite enjoy it now! Took me about 3 days of playing around with it for 30-45 minutes to figure it out and that's better than paying money I think.
When it's cold like that, it's not fun to be messing around that's for sure lol.
Sounds like you have an affinity for Finnish women :D
Lmao... That is priceless.!
I was going to try to do another 5 and √ out of the game at 35 years.
But this is my 30th and final year. I will find a way to be out if this business by Dec, 31.
I don’t blame you man, things are fucked up! Sad part is the best way to learn and all that is from the older generation passing tips and knowledge. I bet lots are saying screw this shit! You could make a decent living in the future off crypto here so why not lol
Hahah isn't it? Thanks!
Hey brother! Fancy seeing you here! I have been trying to get you to share your photography here for ages! Glad you finally got around to it. You highly underestimate your photographic skills. These are some fabulous shots of the Northern Lights! Thanks for sharing them here in the community with us. Thanks for your frozen sacrifices to make it possible as well. Cheers browski!
My toes are still cold. I had the right socks, shoes and everything.... just did put them on well enough and was almost waist-deep in snow on the lake.
I am pretty critical of all of my shots - I can do better :)
Artists always are their own worst critics! hahaha I remember the Swedish Winter cold that would freeze my own gloveless hands whilst trying to hover over something forever to get the perfect macroshots. Many times i would come home thinking i might lose my trigger finger! hahaha

Do Better but Winterize accordingly at the same time!
I have looked around for a pair of suitable gloves, but can't find any. Perhaps those fingerless mittens with the cap part? I bought a pair online once that said "winter photography gloves" and they were great, if it was winter in a tropical country.
Its just amazing isnt it.
I got to see it in the north of Iceland around 9 or 10 years ago. The camera I had didn't stand a chance of catching it.
But, being there and experiencing it in all of its silent beauty is a memory I will never forget.
Nowadays, when I see people saying that the aurora is on their bucket list, I always think back to that time...
Sometimes, etched memories are far better than tangible photos 😊
I wish everyone had the chance to see it at least once - camera or no camera :)
These weren't the brightest by far tonight, so I am hoping for more of a show tomorrow, but it doesn't matter for me, they are still special.
People watch TV, but it could be that just outside their door, there is incredible.
I feel like this should be on posters or billboards 😄👏👍
I’m a little jealous that you got to see and capture the auroras. I was in Oulu when my mom called from central Finland to tell me there are northern lights, but it was too cloudy in here to see any.
In all my years of photography I’ve yet to capture auroras, definitely on the bucket list. Might take more effort than walking outside and shooting handheld 😅
I thought you'd see them a fair bit where you normally are. But for sure, not a handheld thing to do, tripod or in a pinch, leaning against a tree or something. These exposures are around 8 - 15 seconds. It was so effin dark that I couldn't focus properly though. Have you found some gloves to wear that are still practical to shoot with?
Well I should but haven’t managed to see any. Might have to start putting some effort into it, look at the aurora weather and cloud coverage and drive somewhere with less light pollution.
Fingers freezing in the winter while operating a camera will be a forever struggle. I usually just wear my regular mittens.
They're still a nice set of pics despite the setbacks and non-optimal settings. They'll be better next time now that you know what you need ;D
It's the idea that counts! :D
I'm surprised by the fact it is a rare occasion. I thought it's a usually thing to see up there at the north. Is it periodic, as you mentioned there are chances for the upcoming days. Is it seasonal or totally random?
Well, seasonal to see even if they are always there as in the summer, it is always light :)
Are you and Small Steps bath together?😁Wow, Dear @tarazkp , Aurora is like a hidden curtain that surrounds the earth. I think you were shivering in the cold to film that scene. By the way, is it true that in Finnish saunas, both of men and women bathe together?
In some yes and families. I have friends too where we all go together.
I didn't know that Northern Lights could be seen from where you live. Despite the light pollution, we can see planets and stars in the photos.
You must feel privileged to see Northern Lights. Many people woud like to go the far North to observe it. However, it is so expensive for me and also there is rough weather cpnditions. One from south would have problems if did not prepare well.
If you go south enough you can see the Aurora Australis :D
Further north from where I am, they are seen nearly daily from autumn to spring.
.. and I thought it was a nightly occurrence!
(when I was in Finland, I saw squat).
Were you up north and was it dark? :D
It was semi-dark all day as well as night!
Yllas, Lapland - Mid December 2010.
@bingbabe swore that a reindeer looked left and right before crossing the snowy road. Them beasts are bright!
These are some nice clicks. Even though it's all in the dark, the details are still there and quite sharp too. Which device was used to capture these?
An Olympus EM-1. It is a decent camera, in the right hands. I need the right hands :D
I'd say the "right hands" aren't that far away then haha, you're getting close. Cheers 🥃
That they’re relatively rare there surprises me. You’re at about 60° north, I would have assumed that they were semi-common. I’m at 45° north and have seen them only twice, once rather faintly and once brilliantly awe-inspiring even though I lived pretty much in the middle of the metro area at the time.
Rare has conditions with it. The best time to see them in this area is in the late autumn, but the late autumn is almost always cloudy and wet. So having them and getting to see them are tow different things. Up north about 800km (500mi) in lappland it gets much colder earlier, so the skies are clear and tgeybare very bright. I have only seen them there on one trip, but they were amazing. I had no proper camera with me back then and phones didn't have cameras in them yet :D
It is that "awe-inspiring" feeling I love about them.
Legit fuck up. I'd like to see that someday, would mean a Finnish winter however I guess. No worries though, @eveuncovered has knitted me a sweater and mittens. Ok, she's fucken wearing them and doesn't know they're actually mine, but hey, they're mine just the same.
Eve is a country bumpkin, she'll see these all the time.
Momone and I have talked that maybe one day you will do a winter trip here. It is not as bad as you think! Maybe if things go well, do 4 or 5 months from late winter to mid summer.
She is indeed...Knows how to knit though. Does a legit knit. I hope she's looking after my sweater. I'll claim it one day.
Yeah, that'd be cool. I could show off my ice skating, snow boarding and skiing skills which, other than the first, are fucken non-existent. It'll spread joy and mirth to all around though, and that's my gift to Finland. You're welcome Finland.
I think you guys would like it and we could arrange all the clothes and stuff you need too, so you wouldn't have to worry about that :)
I was thinking...and extra t-shirt and that sweater Eve knitted me would work fine. I'd swap the RM Williams boots for some UGG boots and I'm gtg.
It is still pretty cool looking at that lovely greenish colour in the sky which is quite amazing and I think I just learnt a little Finnish now "avanto" pretty cool
Would you brave getting into the water? It is warmer than the air :)
Lol I would freeze
that is what the sauna is for - to thaw you out again. :D
It is actually really nice to go from the very hot to the very cold and then back again.
Very cool shots. I'm sure amazing feeling to see live and also to capture them. I've seen pictures from near our house where apparently the Aurora is visible every so many years. Our house is surrounded by hills and trees, so likely won't be able to catch the horizon low enough from home, but other pictures I've seen from Lake Champlain were excellent and only a 30 minute drive away. Key seems to be timing without solid way to predict when they will show.
Thats awesome ! When you hear the news that the northern lights are coming further south it’s almost like turning back to the time when you were a kid and was waiting for Santa to pop up !
I used this guide when I was up in Abisko photographing northern lights, maybe it will be helpful.
The Aurora Borealis really is something wow, that is if you are lucky enough to photograph it, I think at certain times of the year you have to hunt the Aurora Borealis.
very unique scenery friend
As a kid in the 70's I would climb up high on a hilltop near the shores of Lake Erie PA. (usa) They Northerns were also weakened by the light pollution of the city of dreary Erie, the mistake on the lake... Hehehheh