Look at this funny fella

in Photography Lovers4 years ago

Look at this funny fella

That is what my daughter said when she came across a ladybird crawling around the blades of grass. We have done nearly zero renovation work and spent the day away from home for a change instead. But since I haven't got around to looking at those images yet, I thought I'd put these up instead.


I am always on the lookout for decent "stock" images that I can use for posts and I think a couple of these might end up being seen again, or ones similar, if I an find some more funny fellas to photograph this summer. I only use my own images (99% or more), making it hard to always find a suitable image. Sometimes when I can't find something that fits the post, I just use some random one of mine. Since I write about finance and economy a fair bit, I should really be looking for more images that can support those kinds of topics, but I also like using images that (at least for me) can tell part of the story without literally being a picture of the topic itself.


The obscure titles of my posts probably hint at this too, as it kind of annoys me when the headline is too literal and I prefer to have someone come into the post to see what it is about, and then be somewhat surprised by what they found. Too much of the internet is clickbait and structured to tell people what to look for and what to do when they see it.


"Check this video at of a person falling over. Watch to the end, it's hilarious!"
"People are outraged by what they saw half way through this clip"


You know the type of thing, content designed for people who can't think for themselves enough to evaluate what they have seen and make a decision on how to feel about or act on it. It seems that is most of the internet now though, where many people don't seem to have the powers of critical thinking or the ability to identify subtlety and nuance. Everything has to be explicitly mentioned and then, an actionable directive given.

"Share this"

Oh, okay...


Doesn't anyone think for themselves any more?

Perhaps they don't. Maybe it is easier just to consume headlines quickly and then follow the "wisdom" of the crowd under the assumption that if everyone is doing it, it must be okay. After all, there is safety in numbers and if everyone is wrong, an individual can be wrong with everyone else and use the excuse that, it was a cultural norm at the time, so it was okay.


I wonder how many atrocities have been performed under the rule of;

"Everyone else was doing it too"


Didn't people get asked by their parents whenever they used the excuse of a following a friend;

If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?

Stupid is, as stupid does and there seems to be a lot of people who act stupidly because people in their peer group act the same. It is the willingness to not take responsibility for behavior and the funny thing is, a lot of these same people are the ones who will complain about their conditions, outcomes and say that,

"the world is not fair"


I wonder what this little ladybird thinks about all of these things and if it did have the capacity to observe and evaluate the activity of humans, would it say,

"They are pretty smart"

I would assume that from its experience and what it has to do for itself, it would think we are pretty absurd, as we have all this potential to crate almost anything, yet time and time again we fail to use it well and instead, act on the social defaults of copy paste.

Was that what you were expecting to read about this funny fella?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Nice ladybug, you found my homie! If you need more finance related images, make an artistic money montage with bills, coins, crypto memorabilia or gold/silver coins, it would look more finance related if that's a thing you are concerned about. Kinda like this:


Yeah, I have some notes and coin shots I have taken, but many end up looking the same-ish and don't necessarily add much to the conversation. I should take more. I have a couple silver coins, but I think there might be a steem logo or two on those.

LOL.... "I think there might be a steem logo or two on those" , I don't blame you for not wanting to use them! Coin photography is kind of a pain in butt anyway, you are not missing out.

I should find a couple nice coins for some macro shots - might be fun :)

It's been going on for a while, remember canned laughter to tell people when and how much to laugh? XD

Given that I have one adrenaline junkie child who is vaguely interested in base jumping and bungee jumping and all that I kind of amended the jump off a cliff thing to "everyone doing it doesn't make it right" which was more of an irritated retort to some ads (and even not ads) claiming "[large number of] people can't be wrong" yes they bloody well can be, hello history.

Thinking is a lot of hard work though. It leads to a lot of cognitive dissonance and also the risk of blame both of which cause bad/uncomfortable feelings and discomfort is to be avoided at any and all cost :)

ps - I've kind of developed a similar kind of banner blindness to post titles as I have for ads, they're just kind of things that may give some indication of what the post is about but is otherwise just there because they're required to generate the url XD

remember canned laughter to tell people when and how much to laugh?

Yes - I have a great post about this from 4 years ago - I think it earned 40 cents :D

9 out of 10 dentists...

I have a curiosity with the titles themselves, but not as indicators of the story, more as an indicator of what apparently works on society.

Of course you would have written about it 🤣 now I’m trying to remember if I’ve read it.

They have to say 9/10 or 99.98% or something like that because 100%/every could be considered “false advertising” because there is always that annoying dissenter who won’t just accept that everyone else is right and they are wrong because they just are 🤣

I do wonder about the people I hang around with versus “everyone else”, as most of the people I hang around with think clickbait titles are stupid. Do most people think they’re stupid and just click to be able to read the article or do people consider them at all or do people actually “fall for” them? 🤨

You know the type of thing, content designed for people who can't think for themselves enough to evaluate what they have seen and make a decision on how to feel about or act on it.

They don't understand that their attention is valuable.

I think they do to some degree, which is why there are so many selfies out there :D

Pretty much, and I can see a reuse in crypto post for the pictures. It is not staying still it is not waiting for manna to drop from the sky, it is working to feed itself, to take care of itself, and thinking for itself. Something I don't see many crypto people doing lately. Maybe it is a growing adoption because of people like Elon Musk, or other big celebrity names playing crypto games.

People think to much like lemmings lately. Just following the crowd, not looking at where the crowd is heading and suffering because of the crowd. All because they did not want to break away from tradition, and stand on their own two feet.

It is not staying still it is not waiting for manna to drop from the sky, it is working to feed itself, to take care of itself, and thinking for itself.

It takes responsibility for itself. I suspect that we are the only species on earth that has the ability not to.

And while they suffer because of the crowd, they blame conditions on those who don't follow the crowd.

Well there's certainly some good stock images there! I love them 😍

I wonder how many atrocities have been performed under the rule of;

"Everyone else was doing it too"

One of the biggest, ofcourse, being the whole animal abusing industry (or is that still hitting too close to home for most?).

Is everyone abusing animals?

Is everyone abusing animals?

Some try to better their ways and that group is growing, but so far, the majority of the western world is and without good reason other than 'I'm used to it, we've always eaten meat, I like the taste, don't force your extremist lifestyle onto me!11!!1 etc.'

I mean, tell me what seems right about this to you:
Throwing a massive amount of chickens together where they don't even have a proper space to walk around or fresh air to breath. Feeding chickens so much that their legs can't even hold their weight. Pigs being put in pens, never seeing daylight and not even having enough space to turn, while we cut others tails off, so they don't bite them due to stress. Cows being forced into pregnancy every year, only to steal their kids away from them right after birth, so we can steal the milk that was meant for her baby. And that baby, if it's a female, she'll repeat mom's cycle. If it's a male, we either kill it for meat, or let it starve to death, because it has no use and feeding it would cost money. Losing massive amounts of forests for soy production which, yes, largely feeds animals, not vegans.

And all of this for what? Because we're used to it? Because it tastes good? We no longer need meat to survive. We can take those nutrients from other foods and be better off for it, because they have less unhealthy sides than animal products do. Not everyone has the means, but the rich, western world has all the resources it needs to never eat another dead animal or use any of their products again. As a bonus, stopping the animal industries would probably be the biggest blow we could ever deal to our environmental problems.

So yep, if that's not atrocious and crazy behaviour, I don't know what is.

Bah, big wall of text...

So how do we stop animals 'abusing' other animals? We are also animals. We can't even stop abusing each other.

As a bonus, stopping the animal industries would probably be the biggest blow we could ever deal to our environmental problems.

As for this, there isn't enough cultivatable land on earth to support over 7billion humans on a plant-based diet.
As for your Soybean rant, its primary use is for its oil, the stuff that's leftover is the by-product and that, like many other food production by-products, is what's used for animal feeds. Increasing the number of vegetarians will increase the amount of Soybeans grown even more as it's a staple ingredient of margarine, vegetable oil, tofu, as well as the obvious ones like soy sauce and soy milk. It goes into thousands of non-animal-based food products as well as thousands of non-food products which would have used a more traditional, fossil fuel oil to manufacture, and we certainly don't like fossil fuels!

You want an organic plant-based diet? Cool, but when on a soap-box, education with a rounded, non-confrontational attitude is much preferred to rhetorical rants!

Please check your temper before you reply.Wait, what's up? What did I do to offend you? Why are you being so hostile? I'm just answering @tarazkp

So how do we stop animals 'abusing' other animals? We are also animals. We can't even stop abusing each other.

We don't have to stop other animals from hurting each other. Other animals kill each other to survive, which is exactly what we've done for many years. Now, however, we've learned that that is not needed for humans to survive and better yet, it's better for both our health and the planet if we stop eating animal products. So when we have the option, it's better to not abuse animals. How is less violence and hurting wrong?

As for this, there isn't enough cultivatable land on earth to support over 7billion humans on a plant-based diet.

Then how do we feed the 70 billion farm animals we create and kill each year? If we stop doing that, there's more than enough land to feed many more people than the ones that are alive now.
You're not correct about soy. The majority of soy produced is for meat and dairy production. If that's no longer required, we could do with a whole lotta less land.

Not angry, offended or bad tempered in the slightest.
I will be back in a while with some Soy references for you to have a look at.

Great, thanks! I'm always open to learn. I'm trying to do what I can, but honestly have given up hope for humans to do what's best for the earth. Economics seem too important. In the end, we'll just wipe ourselves out and the earth will recover. But what I can do is think about the animals living a horrible live in captivity. I don't want animals to hurt, just to feed me when it's not necessary, so I don't eat their products anymore. Doing what's best for nature is a good second to that ofcourse.

Ha thought it was ladybug misspelled but turns out there's a difference in American and British way of writing it. TIL!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I am Australian, so British is me native go to. However, I often use American spellings due to user base on Hive and the company I work for uses American (even though it is a Finnish company).

Ahh that explains, Dutch here :-)

Guess most of my English is American influenced.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

The obscure titles of my posts probably hint at this too, as it kind of annoys me when the headline is too literal and I prefer to have someone come into the post to see what it is about, and then be somewhat surprised by what they found.

I tend to go in the opposite direction on this one. Sometimes I change my mind on potential topics because I feel they don't define the write-up enough..lol.

On people thinking for themselves, you'd be surprised by our need for guidance. Funny thing is it didn't just become a habit, it has always been like that throughout human history. People have always looked for written laws , people or deities to lead them and make decisions on their behalf. I reckon in-depth thinking is not as easy as we think, it may actually be a chore for many

Sometimes I change my mind on potential topics because I feel they don't define the write-up enough..lol.

Occasionally, when I am writing more of a "guide" kind of thing - I will spell it out, but that is rare.

I reckon in-depth thinking is not as easy as we think, it may actually be a chore for many

It is a chore and it is energy intensive - which is why we can make habits so quickly. All someone needs to do is direct us to do something that benefits them, and habitualize it.

yeah, and I reckon a lot of the actions people take are geared towards achieving another persons vision - Wars, Media, propaganda, you name it

"I'm doing it for my (country, race, gender, religion....)"

None of it is yours.

I think the reason you've always been the Hivester I'm most jealous of is your ability to get readers with such vague titles. They are definitely compelling enough, but it's hard to bring in readers when everyone is a writer and when you don't write about trendy topics. It seems to be due to your consistency, you are consistently fun to read, regardless on the topic, even when talking about boring topics and I admire you for that.

I feel like you are endlessly renovating your house though lol

I feel like you are endlessly renovating your house though lol

You feel it!! Try doing it :D

I often start from the title and work outward, where the idea forms around it - but it is common for me to change the title once the article is written, as my mind has wandered from the original path and found something more interesting (for me at the time). I hope that my interest in all of these things shines through to the audience. I am never bored while writing.

Given how big of a role our communities play in shaping us, it makes sense that it can be hard to "think for yourself." We rely on other people and naturally have to agree on at least some things. The internet makes it way too omnipresent tho

I think it is this hardwiring for social interactions that gets hijacked by people who understand it, more than we understand ourselves.

I find close-ups photos so interesting as I really love details. This little one is a beauty, you have to stay on the hunt for a photo with his wings wide open. That would be a tricky one to capture, but imagine the details it would have.
Clickbait articles are pretty much the norm now in the majority of the cases. But a more refined audience will smell the bait and walk away, I believe that no one likes to end up in the middle of a post which has nothing to do with the title, in the wrong way. Sometimes finding a nice surprise, contrary to the title, is good. But the other way around... The little fella will fly to other places. I wonder how much people's way of consuming information has changed. How many read versus watch? In such a fast era I tend to observe that many put accent on the visual and less on the content. This is a reason why scroll culture is so much of a thing now

This little one is a beauty, you have to stay on the hunt for a photo with his wings wide open. That would be a tricky one to capture, but imagine the details it would have.

I have never managed to get a good one of these!

I wonder how much people's way of consuming information has changed. How many read versus watch? In such a fast era I tend to observe that many put accent on the visual and less on the content. This is a reason why scroll culture is so much of a thing now

This is true. People consume volume at speed thinking they get more out of it. I tend to write for other people than that - those who want to actually improve themselves in some way, even if it is to have the patience to read til the end :)

I went a little meta on this post, and reblogged as my own way of saying
"Look at THIS funny fella", or "Look at this philosophical examination".

Cool perspective, and an amazing bunch of photos to go along with it!

Cheers mate, it is appreciated.

I presume that @tarazkp transformed into Small Steps and wrote the article!😉 Small steps is another personification of @tarazkp.😄

Smallsteps is my daughter. She has her own account, but since she is 4, she doesn't write for herself yet.

I thought you were writing on behalf of your daughter's psychology.😄
It was as if you were immersed in the personality of Smallsteps and wrote it.Dear @tarazkp, I knew smallsteps is your daughter!

Lovely photos!

Thanks you :)

Hahaha, so, she called him a funny fella. I wonder what he thought being addressed like that?
Hopefully you took her inside Googled Ladybirds and showed her the ins and outs about ladybirds. But knowing you it would have been explained to her.

Over here in the charity world we call it, blame and complain is the game as every single poor soul can tell you a story.
Our job is to bring about a mental mind shift to thoughts of taking responsibility for the self.

I didn't giver her more details - for now she is content with a few basics and then watching them. While in the garden this evening, she wanted to go looking for more "funny fellas" :D

We have a hard job ahead.

We have a hard job ahead. ?

A hard job to take her "funny fellas" hunting?
Nope, I think that you will enjoy it just as much :)

Really nice macro shots!

Amazing Shots dear, how well you captured the details. Loved it. It is indeed a funny fella. I think looking the world with children's prospective is very adorable and pure. They find beauty in everything. Keep it have. 😊🙏

beautiful photo

Thanks :)

Focus and patience in shooting images with very perfect results.

Nice picture !

Good post ;))

Very beautiful 🤩 photography

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment