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RE: Market Friday back to NYC

Good Morning

as for the street vendors when I used to travel a lot more all over the world people used to stay stay away from street vendors, but did I listen no way I liked to try it all, luckily I had a strong constitution back then and never had issues

Funnily enough the only time I got a variant of Delhi Belly was when I moved to NYC, my stomach had problems for the first week here, and as one colleague said to me, its because i had been eating all the crazy risky street food in my travels it was in shock at being given good food LOL

OHh yeah when I first got to NYC and trying to adjust to having weekend off I was lost with what to do with myself, so I picked up a subway map and set a goal to walk past every subway station in the city and ticked them off when I did complete them all I decided why not keep going and walk every street in the city and started shading in the areas I covered, wish I had kept that map, when I finish it looked quite colorful as I had a set of highlighers with 7 colors and used a different color depending onthe day of the week I went on the walk

when I finished that I


Wait!! You didnt finish the rest of the story, JJ!! @tattoodjay

Oops I just meant to say when I finished that I just kept walking the city