A Challenging And Fun Night!


While on a hike in Hendrie Valley in Aldershot Ont. the other day, I spotted several spots that would be cool for light painting. (check out the hike here: https://hive.blog/hive-163772/@terrywayne/hiking-the-incredible-hendrie-valley). So I went back last night and as soon as I hit the trail, a train went by. So I was able to capture a light trail shot right away. A great start to a challenging night!


The first spot that I had in mind was a short tunnel. There are lots of them around but they all have lights inside of them, this one does not! Making it a great place for steel wool.





After I got those shots off, a rail cop drove by on the trail and parked only 10 feet away. Shortly after that rail workers came and started to work on the tracks, so I continued on with the hopes of doing more in the tunnel on my way back.


I reached the water and it was nice and still (as I had hoped) and would be perfect for more steel wool and light painting. Unfortunately there were still a lot of people there fishing and I didn't want to be rude and scare the fish away lol. Maybe reflections of the city in the lake would work? Nope massive spotlights for the filming of TV show Reacher ruined that idea.

I ventured back to the tunnel to see if the workers had left.


No, still there working, so I settled for shooting the spotlights and light trails of trains.






It was a challenging but fun night! I will be going back with hopes that there wont be so many obstacles.


Nice shot

I find this type of light painting photography amazing, the amount of creative things that can be achieved is interesting. Great pictures!

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