Este es mi primer post, soy un artista mexicano, a través de mi obra busco detonar ideas y cuestionamientos en la mente del espectador
sobre las normas establecidas que determinan la realidad social.
En esta ocasión quiero compartir la obra "Educación en casa" la cual consta de un objeto personal alterado para expresar una memoria que marcó mi infancia y parte de adolescencia.
La prenda fue alterada de tal modo que representa las consecuencias de la sobre protección de los padre hacia los hijos, los cuales son:
Exploración limitada del entorno con un atado de manos, representa las restricciones hacia las inquietudes personales.
Visor que filtra la información que se percibe, refiere a la inocencia infantil que acepta lo que su entorno le ofrece.
Abdomen al descubierto, expuesto tal como yo de pequeño quedé a merced de las acertadas o erróneas decisiones de mis padres.
Ojala esta obra sea del agrado de tu agrado, déjame saber que opinas en los comentarios y pulsa ese <3
tomar más fotos, menos filosofar :)
pruébalo la próxima vez con esposas reales
to the Hive blockchain and platform, Yes its happening you are a hiver or Bee as we are calling ourselves now. This is the moment to warm welcome you as a new user. And you receive this message because you used the #introduceyourself tag!
I was welcomed with good advice too when I started so here I am returning the favour. I know that Hive may seem very overwhelming right now but don't worry. After a few blog you will be a great blogger and contributor.
If you have any questions just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I may know the answer. If not I will know someone who does.
Very important I recommend you to never give up any off your passwords they are yours.
To blog i use Peakd, to control your account use Ecency, also an App I use is great, it gives you insight on what is happening in your account.
Maybe great to join the terminal in Discord and visit @heyhaveyamet to See more newcomers onboard.
Good Luck, Have fun and I wish you loads of success on here! :)
GREETZ from Holland
Theterminal discord invite
Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !
Hello, thank you very much for your kind comment, for offering your help and for the invitation in discord, I will join :) I would love to know more users and continue having fun in this beautiful crypto-space.
Greetings from Mexico
Hello, thank you very much for your kind comment, for offering your help and for the invitation in discord, I will join :) I would love to know more users and continue having fun in this beautiful network.
Greetings from Mexico