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RE: details at the port

Great shots! How's that shoulder holding up? They may want to inject it if the oral prednisone isn't doing the job. Getting older really as it's down sides doesn't it? Too bad we can't can't live indefinitely in a 25 year old body and continue to grow our minds and interests along the way. In a couple hundred years people will be essentially immortal, might even just be 50 years until we beat aging. Sadly, too late for us!


Yesterday I would have said it was doing a little better, I had a touch more movement before tthe pain kicked in, but last night i rolle donto it and woke up at 3 Am sleeping on it, or should I say it woke me, doing anythign witht he shoulder this morning is worse that it was when I started, but will keep on the prednisone and doing the exercises and hopefully will keep improving

yes next step with be the shot inthe shoulder if needed

yeah so true ohh to have the time i have now and the body I had then

I no longer sleep on my sides, only my back because my shoulders but me too much now. Too many years of wear and tear! Sorry to hear it woke you up, I know the feeling all too well...

I do hope it's getting stronger and less painful, I hate shoulder pain!

today seems to be a better day I slept well, even got 6 and a half hours sleep which is good for me

I try sleeping on my back but never suceed seems I am a habitual side sleeper