In life, we can see that everything follows due process; growth itself has stages. There are certain things that ought to be done for an easy growth process to occur; feeding and hygiene are some of them. Deciding not to do one of those important things will not stop our growth process completely but it can be stunted.
Just as with the growth process, in photography there are essentials which should be noted for one to be called a professional. Understanding how a camera works is one, framing, composition, and visual hierarchy are also part of those essentials. It is one thing to know how to fiddle a camera; it is also a whole thing to know what and what not to photograph as a professional photographer. Now this is where framing comes in.
Framing in photography is basically you choosing what should be in your photograph. It is also the ability of a professional photographer to know the important images that should be created when shooting. In event photography, this ability is really important. An event usually has some decorations or arrangements called "details" and also peculiar presentations known as "moments".
Therefore while photographing a traditional wedding recently, I made sure to photograph these details and moments beautifully. I paid attention to the splendid display of culture and other traditional moments.
To capture the perfect moment during an event, is really hard to make it, and you did it.