Testing out random stuff


I know I shouldn't just focus on photos of flowers, but it's impossible not to focus on them.

A couple of days ago I went out with my group of friends to walk around our town, lately my blood pressure problems and a bit of obesity have been taking their toll on me. I tend to get dizzy and all that, so I was recommended to just start walking more.

I must say I'm not a fan of walking, much less when the sun is horribly hot, I sweat too much and I don't like that.


We walked about 2-3km before arriving at a housing development where a friend lives and sat outside for a while. One of our friends stopped by to ask for water as he was thirsty and we stayed outside the development and met this little boy.


It was impossible to take a picture of him, but this little fellow came up to us and let us pet him a lot. He was quite friendly, but he never stayed still, he was all the time trying to get our attention by cuddling up to us. In that picture above you can see how my cousin is trying to take a picture of him while holding him still, but it was impossible to capture anything decent.

I gave up, every time I tried to take one I got something like this:


please ignore my foot

He left and we continued in our wait. Since I wanted to see what else I could accomplish with the camera, I tried to capture other photos of flowers, but I think it was a bit more of the same.


Our friend arrived after a 1 hour wait and we didn't do anything interesting. Maybe when we go out again it will be a good idea to take pictures of our food or something, in the future I'll see. For now I'm pretty happy with my camera.



I could sue you for animal abuse... Good foot by the way. 📷

why not? :P

Because it has nothing to do with Leo. You shouldn't use that tag for non finance and crypto related posts.

Great shots man. Looking forward to see a bit more from you about the area you are living in.

Thank you buddy. When I go out again with my friends I'll bring cooler stuff than this :P

Man it was really bad to walk there, but well, for those pictures it was worth it. How amazing the pictures came out, I hadn't seen them all.

haha and we'll walk to another cooler places man. Wait for it :P

Tomame una foto a mí, precioso.