My passion for planting trees started since I was young and now, after years of care, my delicious monster tree is the fruit of the delicious monster (Monstera deliciosa)
It is a tropical evergreen plant. It has deeply lobed leaves, aerial roots and a central flower stem. The fruit is cylindrical, oblong in shape. The fruits can be up to 25 cm in length and have an average diameter of 3 to 5 cm, tapering at both ends. The outside is covered with a protective layer of inedible, semi-soft and spongy hexagonal green scales. The scales turn from dark green to light green as the fruits ripen, the flesh is cream-colored. The pulp is divided into small kernel-like capsules
Origin: Southern Mexico and Southern Panama
Taste: - A delicious sweet taste combination of mango, banana and pineapple fruits (when unripe it irritates the tongue, throat and mouth and causes a burning sensation)
Health benefits: - Useful for arthritis, snakebites, cuts, bruises, coughs, fever or some types of infections.
It has been around for a long time and there is now seedlings ♥️