For the last Thursday Tree Love, I went for a walk in the woods with my husband, and ended up with a bazillion pictures to go through (plus I took a nice little So for this edition, I decided to share more photos from my walk, rather than trying to go out and get some new ones. Especially since it's been raining since I woke up today.
As I mentioned last time, I ended up having close to 200 shots from our hour and a half meander outside, and my initial culling left me with almost 50 for today's post. I decided that since I wanted to actually post it today & not in another year or two, that I'd go through again and drop it down to about half. And it's not that I ended up with tons of spectacular shots - I just found a number of cool things, then took a bazillion different shots of each, so it made it a little difficult to sift through.
One last thing before I get on with the pictures, many thanks as always, to my WordPress blogging friend Parul for hosting this awesome blog hop every couple of weeks. If you want to join in the Tree love blog hop fun, it's really easy - here's the description from her latest post today, called #ThursdayTreeLove – 106
Thursday Tree love is a photo feature hosted on this blog on every 2nd and 4th Thursday of a month. The next edition will go live on April 8, 2021. If you would like to play along, post a picture of a tree on your blog, tell me where did you spot the tree and link it back to this post.
If you don’t see the pingback, please leave a link to your post in my comments section. Please make sure that your post’s link is showing up on this latest edition. I will link your posts on my blog in the next edition and spread some love. Let’s come together to appreciate the beautiful nature around us.
Oh and these were taken in my Durham, NH yard on March 11th, 2021, using my my Nikon affixed to my tripod, then resized and cleaned up a bit with PicMonkey. I also did a little bit of filtering this time around, mostly using the Vignette filter on PM to help make things pop a bit.
More photos from my walk in the woods with my husband, March 11th 2021
1. I know this shot probably looks familiar, but believe it or not, this is a different tree than the one I've featured before. In fact, I'm not even sure this is a Shagbark Hickory, and my husband and I spent some time
2. It has similar moss on it (which probably isn't really a factor), and the bark is peeling a bit, but not in the long strips like we usually see.
3. But it does look like these little nubs of bark were once longer... at least I thought so.
4. However on other parts of the trunk, it looked a little different from what the Shagbark usually does.
5. This sort of blocky look made me think it might be some sort of hybrid tree.
6. Regardless of what kind of tree it is, it still looks glorious, especially against the blue sky!
7. I mentioned Lion Rock in my last post, and said I didn't get a good shot of it, so I included an old snap. This is one of the handful of shots I took that day, and now that I've adjusted the exposure a bit, I think you can almost see the lion's face.
8. The view above.
9. The last time I ventured out this way (back when my camera battery was being naughty), I tried to get some shots of the baby trees sprouting up. While I don't think I managed to get the same baby tree, it certainly looks pretty close!
9a. Here's the older shot (that I dubbed "Groot!") - don't they look kind of similar?
10. This little guy was only a few feet away from the other, and even though it looks like just a little branch on the ground, I took a peek under the leaves and saw that it's rooted & growing.
11. Another shot of my husband I took as kind of a joke. While he was actually answering a fairly important text from our mechanic (yes, the car issues continue, but I'll save that bit of
12. Of course, if it weren't for my husband being with me, I might have missed seeing this cool little bit of deadwood, with its porthole-like opening.
13. We'd actually started to head back towards the house when he pointed it out to me, and I took a lazy shot from a distance. This less-than-ideal photo was the!
14. This less lazy shot was taken after I traipsed back through the path we'd already walked down, to get it from only a few feet away whilst crouching down a bit.
15. The view behind the fallen log when I stood up. And I didn't realize until just now you can see our two shadows in the bottom right.
16. I semi-crouched back down to take a couple
17. Different angle, different exposure.
18. Standing to the right of the log.
19. Because 90 million shots wasn't enough, I went behind the log and took some shots from the opposite direction.
20. Then I realized the setting sun was low enough that I could finagle it into the shots!
21. Bokeh in its natural habitat.
22. When I first saw this shot, I was disappointed that the sun wasn't more defined. However now I kind of like how moody and atmospheric this turned out.
23. A shot of the setting sun after I stood up, but as I said before, this was far from the last shot of the afternoon. I might do the rest (which include shots of mushrooms, moss, and some cool looking tree pairings) for a Wednesday Walk post in the near future, rather than using them for the next Tree Love post in two weeks. I'm hoping by that time to I'll be able to get out and take some new pictures showing signs of spring!
Thanks for coming along again for my walk in the woods with my husband and happy Thursday Tree Love, everyone!
Thanks for stopping by!
My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva
All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which...
Posted from my blog with Exxp :
Wow that's great I think you can do that and then I'm happy you can do that but no what's near me of course I might need a ride in the car to go to it so make sure it's so refreshing
When I see the great tree, I can only think of how old it is, how wise it is and how strong it has been before the inclemency of time, witness of so many events, of the chatter among little birds, of the scars left after some animal battle, it must double my age. The tree shows us that we must be firm and humble, for it gives its shade to all who come under it, and even when it is old and its branches do not sprout leaves or flowers, it continues to be the best example of keeping the faith.
I loved your pictures. As I cannot go out, I value them even more. Blessings.
You just allowed me go outdoors! It's been raining here for days and I've been stuck in the house. I'm willing to put on rain gear and go out, but my camera and my scooter say NOPE! This was just what Ineeded
Love a good wood's walk! Always refreshing for me. Nice location!
Great shots. I love the creative use of framing.
Wow amazing photography
The most lovely thing of Your photograph is the log of the tree.
The white matter (i think thats snow) give a amazing look to these photos.
And another lost beautiful thinis the trees and the sky, very heart touching ❤️.
Thanks for these aesthetic photographs.
Beautiful photos friend @traciyork, good shots.
Wow exelentes fotografias, se ven estupendas, gracias por compartir.