Hello, all lovers of beauty who never get bored of immortalizing their visions by capturing lenses to share with the general public, I hope you are healthy and happy after enjoying this long weekend. Let me share a little frame of the beauty of this Sunday afternoon with all of you...
As a western Indonesian, rice is the main staple food for the people, especially in Aceh we can find rice fields in almost every region. Farmers depend on their livelihoods to support and make their families successful from plants that are kept alive and cared for until the harvest arrives.
The view of the expanse of rice fields will never end providing freshness to the eyes so for me it is worthy to be immortalized on my cell phone screen. It is with great joy that I share with you all the views in the area where I live, hopefully it can inspire us all.
Congratulations on carrying out your activities after producing happy times at the weekend this week. Greetings of health, prosperity and enthusiasm always for all of us.. Thank you very much..