Euphorbia milii commonly known as crown-of-thorns

in Photography Lovers22 days ago

Genus: Euphorbia
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Scientific name: Euphorbia milii

The evergreen shrub Euphorbia milii is indigenous to Madagascar and is commonly grown as an ornamental in temperate and tropical climates. It is found naturalized in disturbed areas close to cultivated areas and dry thickets, where it has escaped from cultivation. In cultivation, it can grow into thickets that are impossible to penetrate. The Global Compendium of Weeds lists E. milii as invasive in Anguilla.

E. milii is a woody, succulent shrub or subshrub with densely spiny stems that can reach a height of 1.8 m, depending on the cultivar. While some have almost vertical growth, others are more horizontal, sprawling, or prostrate.

What is the purpose of Euphorbia milii?
Euphorbia Milii has medical, decorative, and pest-control uses. The World Health Organization advises using Euphorbia to manage snails in pest control. Hepatitis, warts, and cancer are all treated with it in medicine.

Picture: Photography
Category: Flower
Camera use: Hand phone
Model: Redmi 14C

Location : Shelter Afrique Uyo,Akwa Ibom State,Nigeria
Link to original: Community Photographer: @ubglo17