In the city - the power of a single image.

Good night (at least here).
I already have spent a half of my weekend and really don't have any idea why this happened too fast. But maybe due to my feeling of joy for this time wasting process. Its not like i did something super special, but from another side, yes i waited for this weeken the whole month days and everything went according to my plan. Details later.
As well, i had some free time in another city to explore the streets and the street market with both - analog and diital cameraas. Now i have only to finish the last frame of the ilford HP5 with my Hasselblad 500cm and i can develop this roll. I mixed the frames with the Rural and Urban stuff as i usually do. As always in the city today a few people asked me about the camera i hold in my hands and interesting fact that no one of them really heard about Hasselblad, but all them were amazed by the camera's size and look.

My latest video clip (slide show) with the content of the ZINE is available online :

For my recent photo zine I used Blurb[.]com on-demand printing services and the book-sharing site for this action. $15 is the magazine price before shipping.

Quarantine in the village
Quarantine in ...
apocalypse now and...
By Victor Bezrukov
Photo book

Happy to see you here again.

thank you Clarissa !

Unwashed car windows as a source for creativity ;)

hahah indeed !