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RE: Happiness is not always connected with money

I don't think we should invest in cryptos with the idea to make money out of it.
We should rather look at the project that's behind the crypto asset.

I love the way you brought this point to our consciousness, it reminded me while visiting Bangladesh, seeing the most beautiful smile. And despite poverty people seemed to be more happy than I ever been!

Maybe the secret for happiness is to enjoy simple things and to accept who we really are and what we can do instead of dreaming of being someone else.


You have good point saying that we should look at the project behind cryptos.
One possibility is to look only as an investment, but risk is high here. Better one is to look for potential of a project as a whole...

Probably everybody who visited countries like you amd me knows what these photos really show. It is something else, something deeper.

I will never forget how happy people in Namibia were when I gave them football ball. Precious...