Buddism isn't really a religion rather like a philosophy, a way of living. Finding peace with your mind and your body, chasing your demons and being good to others and yourself.
While Buddism is a way of living, it has also become a fashion move and many pretend practicing, going to places like Nepal on a retreat center or monastery to meditate. The movement has spread so much that many temples or monastery were built all around the world in many countries. Last I visited one was in a remote part of Spain, the Templo Budista de Panillo near El Grado.
I like visiting spiritual places and Stupas are very colourful with many calligraphic characters and sculpture. I love prayer wheels supposable when you spin then, you send prayers through the universe. There even was a place where rocks were piled on top of each other, each stone representing a specific wish. I took a few pictures of the place to show you around, if you want to see the place for yourself here is the location:
Templo Budista de Panillo
Calle Única, 7, 22438 Panillo, Huesca, Spain
Enjoy 😃
very amazing place
It is indeed 😃
I love Buddhist temples! What fun colors.
They are great places to visit and you are right colours are really fun and flashy 😃