🇷🇸 Priča kroz umetničke slike - 🇺🇸 A story through artistic paintings

Nakon prvih postova kojim sam započela svoj blog, osetila sam potrebu da vam ovog puta prikažem i svoje umetničke radove koji bi mogli da vas zainteresuju a mozda i inspirišu da i sami otkrijete želju i potrebu da se izrazite kroz slikarstvo.
Naime, slikarstvom se bavim već 30 godina, ali kao i većina umetnika školovanih kao i onih koji to nisu ali imaju potrebu za likovnim izrazom, dugo sam lutala dok nisam pronašla svoj originalan stil i izraz. Život kao i umetnost jeste eksperiment u kome se tražite. Bitno je da budete iskreni prema sebi i ono što treba- doći će.

After the first posts with which I started my blog, I felt the need to show you this time my works of art that could interest you and maybe inspire you to discover the desire and need to express yourself through painting.
Namely, I have been painting for 30 years, but like most educated artists as well as those who are not but have a need for artistic expression, I wandered for a long time until I found my original style and expression. Life as well as art is an experiment you are looking for. It is important to be honest with yourself and what you need will come.


Ovo je centar grada u kome živim. Veoma inspirativna arhiktetura koja prikazuje autentičnost grada. Izazovna je i bogata ornamentima. Zgrada levo je stara preko 200 godina i zvala se Frishova palata. Zgrada desno je danas Opština grada, takodje sa velikim istorijom. Tehnika slikanja je akril na platnu.Kao što vidite, volim neobičan stil nanošenja boje. Manje četkice, više rad prstima, špahlom, grebanje…

Dakle, još pre 30.000 godina ljudi su imali potrebu da se izraze pa su tako nastali prvi crteži u pećinama što je obećavalo da će se razviti nešto što se zove slikarstvo.

Dalji tekst ću podkrepiti mojim radovima kako bi me kroz njih bolje upoznali. ❤️

This is the center of the city where I live. Very inspiring architecture that shows the authenticity of the city. It is challenging and rich in ornaments. The building on the left is over 200 years old and was called Frisch's Palace. The building on the right is today the Municipality of the city, also with a great history. The painting technique is acrylic on canvas. As you can see, I like the unusual style of applying paint. Less brushes, more finger work, spatula, scratching…

So, 30,000 years ago, people needed to express themselves, so the first drawings in caves were created, which promised to develop something called painting.

I will support the following text with my works in order to get to know me better through them. ❤️


Ovo je Rimokatolička crkva Sv.Gerharda, zidana od 1860- 1863 godine.
Krasi je gotički stil i predivna muzika koja se čuje iznutra, nastala kroz orgulje.
Privukla je izgledom mnoge reditelje pa su snimani i filmovi u njoj. Svojom lepotom i veličinom izaziva pravo strahopoštovanje.

This is the Roman Catholic Church of St. Gerhard, built from 1860-1863.
It is decorated with Gothic style and beautiful music that can be heard inside, created through the organ.
She attracted many directors with her looks, so films were made in her. With its beauty and greatness, it arouses true awe.


Vršačka Kula. Simbol mog grada Vršca.
Tvrdjava iz XV veka. Nalazi se na bregu iznad grada na visini od 399 metara nadmorske visine. Ova tvrdjava je pod zaštitom države. Predstavlja spomenik kulture.


Naravno naslikala sam još jednu bitnu crkvu u gradu a to je Saborna crkva Svetog Nikole. Glavni i najveći pravoslavni hram u Vršcu.

Izgradjena je davne 1785 godine. Mnogi gradjani Vršca dolaze u nju u potrazi za duhovnim mirom.

Of course, I painted another important church in the city, and that is the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. The main and largest Orthodox church in Vršac.

It was built back in 1785. Many citizens of Vršac come to it in search of spiritual peace.


Crtež balerine. Ona bi mogla predstaviti simbol vršackog pozorišta “Sterija” koje je nezaobilazno tokom boravka u Vršcu jer predstavlja krunu kulturnog života grada.
Sem pozorišnih predstava u njemu se održavaju i koncerti, balet kao i mnogobrojne druge manifestacije.

Ballerina drawing. It could present the symbol of the Vršac theater "Steria", which is unavoidable during your stay in Vršac because it represents the crown of the cultural life of the city.
In addition to theatrical performances, it also hosts concerts, ballet and numerous other events.


Šetajući vršačkim bregom, posetila dam školu hahanja. Gledajući konje koji su pravi izazov da se nacrtaju, pokušala sam da dočaram njihovu snagu i lepotu. Crtez je nastao kombinovanom tehnikom.

Walking along the Vršac hill, I visited the haha ​​school. Seeing horses that are a real challenge to draw, I tried to evoke their strength and beauty. The drawing was created by a combined technique.

Za kraj još par reči o umetnosti generalno…
Gde je njena granica? Rekla bih da ne postoji. Upravo je u tome lepota. Tehnika: mastilo, uljane boje, tempere, akvarel, olovka, ugalj, mastilo, metal, drvo, gips…samo su sredstva, a čovek je taj koji svojom ekspresijom sve to uobliči i da finalnu sliku gde je svaka jedinstvena i nadje put do srca posmatrača.publika je bitan deo priče. Bez interakcije sa njom umetničko delo ne bi bilo ostvareno kroz svoju ulogu i nameru.

Finally, a few words about art in general…
Where is its limit? I would say it doesn't exist. That is exactly the beauty. Technique: ink, oil paints, tempera, watercolor, pencil, charcoal, ink, metal, wood, plaster… are just means, and it is the man who with his expression shapes it all and gives the final picture where each is unique and finds the way to the heart The audience is an important part of the story. Without interaction with her, the work of art would not have been realized through her role and intention.

Zato ne dozvolimo da damo podršku lepoti koja predstavlja hranu našem duhovnom biću.

Hvala što ste i u ovoj priči bili samnom.

Therefore, let us not allow ourselves to support the beauty that is food for our spiritual being.

Thank you for being with me in this story as well.

Umetnički pozdrav od Anke vregolanke! ❤️🎨

An artistic greeting from Anka vregolanka! ❤️🎨


Baš lepi crteži ... oseča se stil i sigurna ruka ... 😎👍

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oh wow! your art style is a very interesting mix of whimsical and reality, definitely amazing talent 😃 thank you for sharing about your works!

!ALIVE https://d.buzz

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(3/10)@vragolana! to your account on behalf of @ilovewintergem.

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through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Hvala. Radujem se našem druženju!

Thanks, @ilovewintergem

I look forward to our friendship!