This morning Ray went out the balcony to capture some pictures. He's still new in photography and just got his first smartphone. Ray is in 10th grade and has been hustling with various gigs. These are two pictures captured by him and we are looking for feedback so he can better his skill. If you will, drop us notes in the comment section.
That picture is taken from our balcony. In front of it there's an old factory owned by our grandfather. It is now function as our garage. And adjacent to it, there's an empty lot. When we were kids we called it the "ghost" house. We were extremely terrified of it.
By the way, Mac is in charge of posting. Ray and Mom are taking the pictures.Since this is a family account, we collaborate delivering content from our mundane life in Indonesia. I hope you all enjoy it and can learn something from our life.This account first belong to mac but is now a collective account from Mac's family. The story in this blog are mostly coming from Ray and Mom. Mac's story are different than ours but we do rely on Mac to get the message across.
Bahasa Indonesia
Pagi ini Ray mengambil beberapa foto dari balkon rumah kami. Di depan rumah kami ada sebuah pabrik tua milik kakek kami yang sekarang sudah tidak berfungsi. Semenjak musim Corona Ray tidak pergi ke sekolah dan sering mencari-cari pekerjaan. Mac memberitahu Ray untuk memulai mencoba mengeksplor dunia fotografi. Ray sangat berminat olehkarena itu, Mac berusaha mewadahi minat Ray.
Awalnya akun ini dimiliki oleh Mac tapi karena dia sudah memiliki akun dan cukup sibuk, akhirnya Ray dan mama yang akan berbagi cerita di akun ini. Semoga kalian senang dengan cerita kami. Ikuti akun kami untuk cerita-cerita selanjutnya.
~ See you later