“This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
― Alan Watts
Feeling stuck and lost in our own apartment feels quite similar to getting lost in unfamiliar place outdoors. With good and sometimes amazing guidelines back to the right path feels super rewarding and eye opening as we tend to need a bit more time to get our head around the new idea, see the path and start following the correct trail.
Been focusing on here and now last week, still trying to use all of my free time. Although I stumbled quite a few times, I slowly start to fill in those empty times when I had way too much free time, where I wasted it on internet.
In last week I went on a bit of hiking, on a few shorts road trips and a bit of nothing. I've been on top of hill Lisca, on top of few other smaller hills near my home and before weekend started I decided I want to get on top of Konjiska gora that hits its height just above 1000 m, thought I will get to the top of the tower, but the winds were really strong that day and decided to get back down without it.
Took a few blooming flowers along with me on the way down.
“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”
― Alan Watts
Found a tiny small leftover snow patch on my starting point to Lisca, took a bit of time off from work as well as posting here, eventhugh I kept coming back to my laptop to watch endless amount of Youtube videos and did way too much overeating to the point I started hurting.
Started filling my free time learning meditation, reading books, a little bit of slow and gradual exercise, a bit of streching before bed and motivated on following Wim Hof method again as I started reading one of his books and applying cold showers.
I hope your doing well reading this, wishing you a good day and a good life!
A walk in nature is beautiful in any season. If nature looks so beautiful now, when it comes back to life it will be fabulous.
It is alive and slowly waking up, it just had a long nap. :)
A walk is beautiful and also super helpful with many healthy benefits!